Friday 22 April 2016

The 10 Most Weight Loss Friendly Foods on the Planet

weight loss foods, cottage cheese, strawberry

weight loss foods, soup, orange

weight loss foods, beens

weight loss foods, carrots, salad, broccoli

weight loss foods, salmon

weight loss foods, leafy greens

weight loss foods, tuna

weight loss foods, boiled potatoes

weight loss foods, chicken

Food has different calorie value and effect to our body’s hunger; therefor they’re certain foods that are quite beneficial for weight loss. It all adds up to the different metabolic processes food goes through our body. On top of that food has different effect on calorie intake, hunger, hormones or burning calories for that matter.
Allow us to present 10 weight loss foods that are highly recommended by science.
 1. Whole Eggs
Whole eggs were considered bad for your health due to the high cholesterol assumption, but recently they are making a comeback. Recent studies have indicated that they don’t affect our cholesterol and furthermore are the best food to consume to lose weight.
High in protein and healthy fats, whole eggs can make you feel full and hold on your hunger for hours.
 2. Leafy Greens
When discussing leafy greens we are referring to kale, spinach, collards, swiss chards and a few others. The main component in them responsible for losing weight is their water and fiber richness. If you feel the need to add volume to your meal, leafy greens are the best way to go. On top of this they are full with all sorts of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. This includes calcium, which has been shown to help fat burning in some studies.
3. Salmon
Oily fish like salmon is incredibly healthy and full with omega 3’s that do wonders for your body. From other aspect consuming Salmon on regular basis will keep you quite satisfying or full for many hours, due to the fact that is full with high quality protein, healthy fats and also contains all sorts of important nutrients. This is not a recommendation only for salmon but for fish in general.
 4. Vegetables
From the category of vegetables we are recommending broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and brussels sprouts. The reason so comes from their richness in fiber and the fulfilling aspect they create for our bodies.  The shocking information regarding these types of vegetables comes from the fact they contain a good amount of protein.
 5. Lean Beef and Chicken Breast
Meat for sure has bad reputation, being blamed for all sorts of health problems, despite the fact there no good evidence to back it up.
Although processed meat is proven to be unhealthy, studies show that unprocessed red meat does NOT raise the risk of heart disease or diabetes. The truth is that meat is a weight loss friendly food because it’s high in protein. Protein is the most fulfilling nutrient and can make you burn up to 80 to 100 more calories per day.
 6. Boiled Potatoes
In recent years there’s a tendency for reducing consumption of boiled potatoes. But that trend has neglected the properties of boiled potatoes that make them a perfect food, both for weight loss and optimal health.
Also, there have even been accounts of people living on nothing but potatoes alone for extended periods of time. Potatoes  are particularly high in potassium, a nutrient that most people don’t get enough off and plays an important role in blood pressure control.
When you boil the potatoes, then cool them off  for a while, they will form large amounts of resistant starch, a fiber-like substance that has been shown to have all sorts of health benefits, one of which is  weight loss.
7. Tuna
Tuna is known as low-calorie, high protein food with not much fat in it.
Tuna is actually quite popular among bodybuilders and fitness models who are on a cut, because it’s a great way to keep protein high, with total calories and fat low.
8. Beans and Legumes
Not all but some beans and legumes can be beneficial for weight loss. Those are lentils, black beans, kidney beans and some others. The reason for their high importance for weight loss is the fact they are high in protein and fiber, which are two nutrients that have been shown to lead to satiety.
 9. Soups
As a general rule meals and diets with a low energy density tend to make people eat fewer calories. When referring to low energy density we mean those that contain lots of water, such as vegetables and fruits. But you can also just add water to your food and doing so, by making a soup.
Some studies have shown that eating the exact same food, except made in a soup instead of as solid food, makes people feel more satisfied and eat significantly fewer calories.
 10. Cottage Cheese
Dairy products are known to be high in protein and for sure one of the best ones is cottage cheese which is mostly just protein with very little carbohydrate and fat.
When consuming plenty of cottage cheese you’re boosting your protein intake.

Add 1 Teaspoon Of This Mixture To Your Coffee To Boost Weight Loss

Coffee is not only a delicious drink but, taken in moderation, is good for health too. It is packed full of antioxidants and can have a positive effect on metabolism. Adding just a few simple ingredients into your routine cup of coffee will boost your metabolism and fat-burning, which helps lower your risk of type 2 diabetes and obesity. All you’ll need is some cinnamon, coconut oil, and honey.

Ingredient 1 : Cinnamon

Cinnamon is one of the oldest spices known to mankind. Cinnamon is believed to boost the metabolism to break down sugar for energy, allowing less fatty acids to be stored in the body. It also lowers the cholesterol level. The antioxidants of the cinnamon controls the insulin secretion and stabilize the blood sugar levels, which is an important factor if you want to lose weight. There are two types of cinnamon: Cassia and Ceylon. Ceylon Cinnamon is the best choice for weight loss as it has low Coumarin levels.

Ingredient 2 : Coconut oil

Coconut oil is a fat. But it’s a good fat. It contains medium-chain fatty acids which are “healthy” compared to trans fats that cause cholesterol. These types of fatty acids metabolize differently, they are sent straight to the liver from the digestive tract, where they are either used for energy right away or turned into ketone bodies, instead of being stored in the body as fat. Coconut oil is a natural thermogenic, so it increases both metabolism and energy expenditure, resulting in more efficient fat burning.

Ingredient 3 : Honey

Honey is packed with 22 amino acids and a number of valuable vitamins and minerals, many of which benefit the body’s metabolism. Consuming small amounts of honey has shown to be effective for reducing LDL cholesterol levels in the blood by 10 percent. It can also improve good cholesterol (HDL) levels. Use raw, unfiltered, unpasteurized organic honey for the best results.


  • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon
  • 3/4 cup of coconut oil
  • 1/2 cup of raw honey


  • Mix all ingredients together until you get a smooth mixture.
  • Store it in a cup and cover it.

How To Use:

When you pour yourself a fresh cup of coffee in the morning, add 1-2 teaspoons of the prepared mix to your coffee while it’s still hot. Stir and drink.

Wednesday 20 April 2016

6 Simple & Effective Yoga Poses For a Flat Belly

Yoga, when combined with other exercise and a healthy diet, can help to boost your body’s metabolism and strengthen your core to eliminate belly fat. Yoga consists of asana (Body stretching poses) and pranayama (Breathing exercises). Below are the 6 simple & effective yoga poses for a flat belly.

1. Kumbhakasana (Plank Pose)

Kumbhakasana also known as the plank asana is the most simple yet effective yoga pose for reducing belly fat. It strengthens and tones your arms, wrists, spine, quads and abdominal muscles.
  • Begin by kneeling with your knees under your hips and hands under your shoulders. Stretch your hands slightly in front of your shoulders, with your fingertips facing forward and hands shoulder width apart.
  • Slowly step your feet back, one at a time, extending your legs behind you so your feet are square, legs long and straights and heels pointed at the ceiling.
  • On inhalation, look just ahead of your palms so that your neck is aligned with the spine.
  • Hold your abdominal muscles in to keep posture, your body must form a straight line from heels to hand. Hold for 30 seconds to one minute and release the pose by exhaling and dropping the knees to the floor. Rest for one minute and repeat it four times.

2. Ardha Uttanasana (The Half Forward Bend pose)

Ardha Uttanasana, also known as the standing half forward bend pose, is highly effective in stretching the hamstrings, reducing belly fat and aligning the spine.
  • Stand straight with your legs shoulder width apart.
  • Bend forward by rotating your hip joints, Keep your knees straight and press your hands into your shins. Ensure that your back is not curved, maintain your back straight and lengthen the spine.
  • Stay in this pose for 30 seconds.
  • Breathe in as you release the stretch and then rotate the hip joints as you lift your torso back up.

3. Salamba Bhujangasana (Sphinx Pose)

This pose can strengthen the ab muscles to reduce belly fat. It will also help to strengthen the upper body by creating a strong and flexible spine.
  • Lie on the stomach and bring the elbows underneath the shoulders, forearms parallel. Tops of the feet resting on the floor.
  • Inhale, press your forearms down, and lift your head and chest off the floor.
  • Hold this pose for ten breaths and then exhale as you slowly lower the chest and head back to the floor

4. Naukasana (Boat Pose)

This position is extremely beneficial in reducing belly fat because it requires a great effort of the abdominal muscles. It also helps strengthen the muscles of the back and legs.
  • Lie on a flat surface facing upward with arms stretched beside the body and legs together.
  • Inhale and lift your legs carefully, making sure that they stay straight (you must not bend your knees)
  • Stretch the foot and toes and try to raise the legs as much as you can
  • Raise your arms straight and looking to reach the toes: think of creating a degree angle with your body
  • Breathe for fifteen seconds while holding this position.
  • After disarming the position, rest for fifteen seconds
  • Repeat this position five more times

5. Uttanpadasana (Raised Foot Pose)

This pose helps in getting rid of the fat from your lower abdominal region as well as hips and thighs.
  • Lie flat on your back as shown in the above image and breathe normally.
  • Place your hand on either side and palms should be facing down.
  • Inhale slowly and lift the legs at 45 – 60 degree from the ground.
  • Hold this posture for some time (15-20 sec) to feel pressure in lower abs. While exhaling (Breath out ) relaxes your posture by lowering legs i.e. (Starting position)
  • Repeat this for 3-4 times daily.

6. Kapalbhati Pranayama (breathing exercise)

Practiced over time, Kapalbhati Pranayama also helps to reduce abdominal fat and tone abdominal muscles. In kapalbhati, exhaling with all your force with nose is important till your stomach goes deep inside. kapalbhati pranayama removes air and carbon dioxide from lungs completely and helps in losing belly fat fast.
  • Kapalbhati has to be practiced on an empty stomach. To do Kapalbhati, Sit on the flat floor and fold your legs.
  • Keep the spine straight and close the eyes. Keep the right palm on right knee and left palm on left knee.
  • Now breathe slowly and exhale with all your force so your stomach goes deep inside, forcing out the air from the lungs. The inhalation should be passive and normal.
  • Repeat this cycle for 15 times if you are beginner.

8 Surprising Health Benefits of Drinking Warm Water

Drinking warm water is a simple and healthy way to supplement your health. Research shows that drinking warm water regularly can provide digestive benefits, reduce metabolic waste, improve blood circulation and provide many more health benefits. Here are 8 benefits of drinking warm water:

1. Healthy Skin

Daily consumption of warm water detoxifies your skin, thereby lowering your risk of skin-related infections such as acne and pimples. Warm water also increases elasticity of skin and enhances its ability to perform repairs, thereby eases out wrinkles, dry skin and dark patches.

2. Enhances blood circulation

Drinking warm water helps the blood flow more freely, delivering nutrients to the cells and helping to get rid of acidic waste in the body.

3. Relieve the symptoms of cough and cold

Drinking warm water is an excellent natural remedy to get rid of a cough, cold and sore throat. It dissolves phlegm and also helps to remove it from your respiratory tract. Additionally, drinking warm water opens sinuses and clears nasal congestion.

4. Aids in digestion

Warm water is particularly beneficial for digestion. Studies have shown that drinking cold water during or after a meal can actually harden the oil in consumed foods and therefore create a fat deposit in the intestine. Drinking warm water, especially during your meals helps to break down the foods faster, making them easier for you to digest.

5. Body Detoxification

Drinking warm water is a great way to help naturally detoxify your body. The intake of warm water raises the body temperature causing your body to sweat and excrete out impurities while hydrating your body.

6. Reduces constipation

Drinking a glass of warm on an empty stomach improves bowel movements and also reduces the stomach problems such as bloating, gas and constipation.

7. Helps in weight loss

When we drink warm water, there is a slight increase in our body temperature, which in turn accelerates metabolic rate. When this happens, it helps to break down and shed fat faster. Study found that drinking about 2 cups of water can increase metabolic rate by 30%.

8. Excellent post-workout drink

Drinking warm water after a workout not only replenishes vitamins and minerals in your body but also re-hydrates you, and kick starts your metabolic process. It continues the calorie burning process post-workout, aiding in speeding up the weight loss process. The heat from warm water also soothes muscles by increasing blood flow and relaxing them.

What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Fermented foods

Fermented foods are foods that have been through a process of lacto-fermentation in which natural bacteria feed on the sugar and starch in the food creating lactic acid. Fermented foods are filled with probiotics, a healthy bacteria that facilitate smooth digestion in the gut. Many studies have shown the link between probiotic rich foods and overall health. Fermented foods such as buttermilk, kefir (fermented milk), tempeh (fermented soybean), idli (fermented rice), yogurt, pickled vegetables are good source of such probiotics. Below are 7 health benefits of eating fermented foods:

1. Fermenting Vegetables Increases Their Nutritional Content

We all know fresh vegetables are a great source vitamins and minerals necessary for our health. However, in the fermentation process, the beneficial bacteria create enzymes and additional vitamins, which makes them even healthier than they were in their raw state.

2. Fermentation cuts the sugar content of foods dramatically

Fermented foods are beneficial for people with diabetes. Fermenting converts sugars – glucose, fructose and sucrose – into cellular energy and a metabolic byproduct (lactic acid), which in turn produces fantastic digestive enzymes and healthy gut flora and cuts the sugar content of a food.

3. Fermented Foods Promote Weight loss

Numerous studies have shown the effects that healthy bacteria can have on weight loss. Fermented foods help to restore the correct balance of healthy bacteria in the gut. Restoring the gut to a healthy state aids in maintaining a healthy weight, as gut microbes influence the body’s insulin resistance and deposition of excess calories in fat stores.

4. Fermented Foods Promote Dental Health

Cavities, gingivitis, periodontitis, and halitosis (bad breath) are all caused by the proliferation of harmful bacteria in our mouths. By eating fermented foods rich in lactic acid bacteria and other beneficial bacterias, we keep these in check and provide a healthy and balanced oral environment.

5. Improves Digestion and absorption of nutrients

Fermented foods balance the ratio of good and bad bacteria in the gut, which can lead to a strong digestive system. Fermented foods also produce the digestive enzymes which ensure you get the most nutrients out of all foods you ingest.

6. It has cancer-fighting properties

Fermented foods contain lots of healthy bacteria, also known as probiotics, which maintain the proper balance of bacteria in the gut. Studies indicate that preserving a healthy gut can lower the risk for colon cancer. Fermented foods are also rich in Vitamin K2 and studies have shown that increased intake of Vitamin K2 can reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

7. Boosts immune system

Health promoting probiotics in fermented foods strengthens the immune system by upping the amount of antibodies fighting infectious disease in body. Tempeh, a popular vegetarian protein source made from fermented soybeans, is a great source of such probiotics.

8 Foods You’ve Been Eating The Wrong Way

There are easier and cleaner ways to eat certain food. Below is the list of 8 foods that you’ve been eating wrong and how you should be eating them instead.

1. Oreo

dunk-oreo-cookie-milk-without-getting-your-fingers-messy.w654 (1)
Ever have an Oreo crumble and fall apart when you dip it in milk? Here’s the solution. Take a fork and carefully insert it into the cream filling of oreo. Be sure note to push the fork too far in or it will separate. Hold the fork, dip the oreo into a glass of milk. Now, eat the milky oreo from the fork without a mess.

2. Strawberry

The next time you’re preparing strawberries for dessert, instead of slicing the tops off, which cause wastage, use this simple trick to hull them. Slicing off the tops of strawberries causes the fruit to lose nutrients. Simply push a straw through the berry to hull it.

3. Pancake

Drowning your pancakes in syrup is inefficient. The top pancake will be completely soggy, while the middle pancakes are totally dry. The simple solution is to cut a square hole in the middle of pancake stack and pour syrup into it to ensure complete pancake saturation.

4. Burger

Eating a burger can be messy. Toppings falling off and sauce running down your arms seems like it’s all just part of the process. But there is an efficient way to hold and eat a burger with no mess or sticky fingers. First, flip your entire burger upside down. This is because the top bun is usually twice as thick as the bottom bun. The flip also means your lettuce will be at the bottom of the burger, allowing it to act as a barrier for dripping juices. Next, place your thumbs and little finger on the base and your remaining fingers on top of the burger to keep the juicy, delectable fillings from spilling out.

5. Cupcakes

The right way to eat a cupcake is to cut the cake portion in half and stick the new layer on top of the frosting to create a cupcake sandwich.

6. Peanut butter

Store the peanut butter upside down instead of right side up. The reason you get a layer of oil on the top is because you’ve been storing it all wrong. The upside down method allows the oils to distribute evenly throughout the container.

7. Cutting cakes

Cake cutting causes more issues than need be, due to knives being too short or making sure slices are even. The solution? Dental floss. Simply cut a long piece of unscented dental floss and use it as a cutting tool to easily slice the cake into pieces intact.

8. Dispensing Tic Tacs

There is right way to dispense a single Tic Tac without spilling the whole container. Here’s the video that shows how it’s done.

What Happens To Your Body When You Drink Ginger Tea

Ginger is a very common kitchen ingredient that has been used as a spice and medicine for thousands of years. Ginger water, or ginger tea, is made by boiling fresh ginger root in water, then cooling and straining the liquid. Drinking this simple tea is highly effective for treating a number of health problems. Below are some incredible health benefits of drinking ginger tea.

1. Improve blood circulation

Ginger is well known for its positive effects on the circulatory system. Gingerol is the main active compound in ginger, responsible for relaxing the muscles around blood vessels, allowing blood to circulate better. Drinking ginger tea can prevent atherosclerosis, stop blood clotting, lower cholesterol levels and prevents heart diseases.

2. Weight Loss

Ginger has fat-burning properties, it helps in increasing the rate of metabolism, and therefore burn more fat. In addition to increasing fat loss, ginger also helps you feel fuller longer, which in turn reduces food consumption and overall caloric intake. It works as a natural appetite suppressant which is the best way to lose weight.

3. Nausea & vomiting Relief

Ginger tea is a popular and effective natural remedy for nausea and vomiting associated with motion sickness.

4. Fights Respiratory Infection

Ginger has been used for centuries in treating cold and sinus. Ginger has antibacterial properties that can help relieve sinus congestion associated with the common cold and treat respiratory tract infections.

5. Sore-Muscle Relief

Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and thus help relieve muscle soreness and inflammation after exercise.

6. Helps Digestion

Ginger has a long history of use for relieving digestive problems like stomach upset, indigestion, bloating and acid reflux. Ginger stimulate saliva, bile and gastric juice production to aid in digestion. Drinking ginger tea between meals will stimulate stomach acid production and ensure proper absorption of food.

7. Protect Against Cancer

Ginger tea can be effective in helping to prevent and inhibit cancer growth. According to studies, ginger has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which can prevent cancer cells from growing and spreading.

8. Control Diabetes

Drinking ginger tea can help control type 2 diabetes. Gingerols, the main active components in ginger, are known to improve diabetes, increase insulin sensitivity, glucose clearance and prevention of other diabetes-related disorders.

How to make ginger tea:


  • raw ginger
  • 2 cups of water
  • lemon juice
  • raw honey
Get a fresh ginger root and cut about 4 to 5 thin slices and put them in a large mug. Pour very hot, but not boiling water over the slices. Cover and let steep for 5-10 minutes. Strain the water to remove the ginger. Add a 1-2 tablespoons of honey and/or lemon if you like. Your ginger tea is ready to be consumed.

6 Simple Exercises To Get Rid of Back Fat Without Equipment

Back is one of the hardest places to tone and decrease body fat. There are specific exercises that target muscles in your upper body to help you build back muscles and burn fat. Below are 6 easy home exercises to get rid of back fat without equipment.

1. Leg and Arm Raises

leg and arm
Lie flat on your stomach. Raise your head and one arm off the ground while at the same time lifting the opposite leg. Hold for five to ten seconds and repeat 10 to 15 times.

2. Back extensions

Back Extensions
To tone up the lower back, one of the best exercises is back extensions. To perform a lower back extension, lie flat on the floor, face down, with your hands behind your head. Lift your chest off the ground as far as is comfortable. Hold this position for 10 seconds before lowering down. Do at least 3 sets with 10 repetitions each.

3. Standing Twist

standing twist
Twisting the waist works your oblique muscles to strengthen the side muscles of the abs. The fat surrounding the obliques is what makes the back appear to be fat. The standing oblique twist can be done with a medicine ball or dumbbell. To do this exercise, stand with your feet little wider than shoulder width apart. Extend your arms forward at shoulder height, then twist your torso as you bring your arms to the left side of your body, then the right. Do this 20 times and keep your body still during the motion.

4. The Bridge

Lie flat on your back with your knees bent at a 90-degree angle and your feet flat on the floor. Lift your buttocks up so that your back makes a straight line. Hold that position for 10 to 15 seconds and then lower your body back to the ground. Repeat 10 to 20 times.

5. Squats

squats back fat
Squats are not only good for the lower back and abs, but also for the entire core. Stand straight with feet hip-width apart. Raise your arms forward at the shoulder level. Keeping your upper body as straight as possible, move your hips as close to the floor as you can. Focus on your form and repeat the exercise by rising slowly to the original position. Repeat for three sets of 10 to 15 reps.

6. Seal Jumping Jacks

Stand straight with your feet about hip-width apart and the arms down by the side. Clap your hands in front of your chest and jump just high enough to spread your feet wide. Without pausing, quickly return to the starting position. That’s one rep; do 20 as quickly as you can with control.

7 Foods We Eat At Wrong Hours That Are Harming Our Health

Eating some food items at their specific times is very important to get all their benefits. When eaten at the wrong time, these food items can cause harm to our health in different ways. For eg. eating banana at night can put us at risk of cough and cold, whereas sugar can put us at risk of gaining weight when eaten at night. Below are the 7 foods we eat at wrong hours that are harming our health.

1. Milk

Best Time To Drink: Night
Experts claim that the best time to consume milk would be in the night, rather than in the day because it takes a long time to digest and might make you feel lethargic. Drinking milk at night relaxes your body and enables the cells to absorb the nutrients effectively, while you rest.
Worst Time To Drink: Morning
Due to more physical activity in the mornings, milk can become heavy to digest and also mess with your meal timings.

2. Rice

Best Time To Eat: Day
Consuming rice for lunch is the perfect time, since your metabolism in the day time is much higher than at night, it gives you ample chance to use up the carbohydrates.
Worst Time To Eat: Night
Rice should be avoided at night, as they are high in starch content and may leave your stomach with a bloated sensation through the night. Also, consuming rice at night may promote weight gain, as it takes longer to digest and our body is completely at rest.

3. Curd

Best Time To Eat: Day
When eaten in the daytime, curd helps in the digestion process and soothes the digestive system. It is a probiotic food that aid in gut health.
Worst Time To Eat: Night
Eating curd during the night can badly affect the respiratory tract causing cold and cough and leads to mucus formation.

4. Sugar

Best time to eat: Morning
Ice creams, chocolates and every food items that are loaded with sugar, should be consumed in the mornings. This is because our body insulin is more effective in fighting sugar at this time of the day. We are also more active in the day, so our body is able to burn more sugar throughout the day.
Worst time to eat: Night
Consuming sugar at night, will only increase your body fat, since physical activity is also at a low at night time.

5. Pulse and Beans

Best Time To Drink: Night
Pulses and beans are loaded with dietary fibres. When taken at night, they help in digestion and lower the cholesterol levels. They also help you to get a good sleep.
Worst Time To Eat: Morning
Avoid eating fibrous foods such as sprouts, lentils, beans etc. in the morning or during daytime, since it might increase your appetite and cause you to eat more throughout the course of the day.

6. Banana

Best Time To Eat: Noon
Banana is loaded with fibres that help in the digestion process. Banana also has natural antacids and helps in soothing heartburn. They also keep the energy level high throughout the day. It’s a perfect before workout food too.
Worst Time To Eat: Night
When eaten at night, banana increases cough and cold and leads to mucus formation. Since banana is very rich in magnesium, if taken on an empty stomach at night, it can lead to stomach troubles.

7. Apple

Best Time To Eat: Morning
Apple is a rich source of fiber called pectin, especially the apple peel is packed with pectin. Pectin helps to smoothen the bowel function, prevents constipation and and eliminates carcinogens from the body.
Worst Time To Eat: Evening/Night
Apple has a high content of organic acid. When consumed at night, it may cause acid reflux due to the release of the acids, thereby increasing the acid levels.

5 Surprising Health Benefits of Dry Skin Brushing

Dry body brushing is a traditional natural health practice, which involves running a dry, soft-bristle brush in circular motions over the body. It is a sort of spa like method that provide numerous health benefits. The dry brushing technique open up the pores of the skin, increases circulation and also deals with detoxification of the skin. Below are some key benefits of dry body brushing:

1. Increases skin functions

Healthy, breathing skin contributes to overall body health. Dry skin brushing can effectively opens up the pores on your skin and helps your skin absorb more nutrients. Daily skin brushing promotes healthy, breathing skin and excrete toxins that become trapped in the skin.

2. Stimulate Lymphatic System

The lymphatic system is a major part of the body’s immune system. It is made up of organs and lymph nodes, ducts and vessels that transport lymph throughout the body. Many of these lymph vessels run just under the skin layer. Dry brushing the skin regularly can help stimulate the normal lymph flow within the body and help the body detoxify itself naturally. The stiffer the bristles on the brush, the better the lymphatic stimulation it’ll create.

3. Exfoliation

Dry brushing is one of the simplest and most natural ways to exfoliate skin. The process of running a firm, natural bristled brush over the skin helps loosen and remove dead skin cells, naturally exfoliating skin. This can help improve skin texture and cell renewal.

4. Reduces Cellulite

The unsightly bumps of cellulite are the result of pockets of fat collecting just below your skin’s surface – a place blood flow just can’t reach. Though cellulite can occur anywhere on the body the most common areas cellulite are the thighs, abdomen and bottom. Dry Brushing tightens the skin by increasing the flow of blood. It help to soften hard fat deposits below the skin while distributing fat deposits more evenly. This can help to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

5. Promotes Circulation

When you dry brush your skin, it stimulates blood circulation, bringing more blood to the top layers of the skin. This encourages the elimination of metabolic waste. By activating the circulation you can also prevent varicose veins.

Dry Brushing: How to Do It

  • The bristles should be natural, not synthetic, and preferably vegetable-derived. The bristles themselves should be somewhat stiff, though not too hard.
  • Brush your dry body before you shower or bathe, preferably in the morning.
  • When brushing, always brush toward your heart, which is best for circulation and your lymphatic system. Work in gentle circular, upward motions, then longer, smoother strokes.
  • You can brush your entire body (including the soles of your feet). Start at your feet and work your way up your legs to your arms, chest, back, and stomach. If you have cellulite on your hips and thighs, concentrate there a little longer.
  • Avoid brushing anywhere the skin is broken or where you have a rash, infection, cut or wound.
  • It could take 5-10 minutes to dry brush your entire body.
  • Finish by taking a shower, use cold/hot therapy to further stimulate the lymphatic system and improve circulation.

What Happens To Your Body When You Drink Okra (Bhindi) Water Every Morning

Okra is a healthy green vegetable with many other names like bhindi and lady’s finger. It has several health benefits attributed to its superior fiber and mucilage content. Drinking “okra water” is a popular new method of using okra. It’s alleviates asthma, lowers cholesterol, boost immune system, prevent kidney diseases and, the most important, it is very effective in fighting and preventing diabetes.
The drink is made by putting okra pods in water and soaking them overnight. Some of the valuable nutrients in the skin and seed pods will be absorbed into the water. If you don’t like the taste of okra, drinking this okra water solution is a quick and simple way to derive the benefits of okra without eating it.

How can it help treat diabetes?

Evidence of okra having anti-diabetic properties has increased in recent years, with multiple Vitro (laboratory) and Vivo (animal) studies confirming okra as a potent blood glucose-lowering (or anti-diabetic) food. The superior fibre contained in okra is believed to help stabilise blood glucose by slowing the rate at which sugar is absorbed from the intestinal tract.
In a study conducted in 2011(published in ISRN Pharmaceutics), research was done to find out the potential of okra in the treatment of diabetes. Results showed that the okra helped reduce the absorption of glucose, which in turn reduced blood sugar levels and manage diabetes. It may also help insulin function or even act as a substitute for insulin.

How to Prepare Okra Water for Diabetes

  • Take two pieces of Okra and remove/cut both ends of each piece.
  • Also put a small cut in the middle and put these two pieces in glass of water.
  • Cover the glass and keep it at room temperature during night.
  • In morning, drink that water 30 minutes before breakfast.
  • Repeat this daily for two weeks and you should see the decrease in your blood sugar levels.
  • If you are already on a treatment plan for your diabetes, you should let your doctor know before taking okra as a natural diabetes treatment.

Other health benefits of Okra

  • Okra contains a lot of soluble fibers, which can help the body to lower the cholesterol level.
  • Okra contains high amounts of Vitamin-C and powerful antioxidants, which help to improve the body’s immune system.
  • The fibers in the okra facilitate proper absorption of water, lubricates the large intestines and ensure bowel movements. The works as a natural laxative and prevents constipation.
  • The fibers in the okra also reduce the risk for colon and rectal cancer.
  • Regularly drinking okra water can also be helpful for preventing kidney disease.
  • Consuming even small amounts of fruits or vegetables rich in vitamin C, like okra (21 milligrams per cup), can alleviate asthma symptoms.

8 Common Contact Lens Mistakes You Should Avoid

The majority of contact lens users don’t use proper hygiene and that puts them at risk of eye infections. Sleeping with contact lens on, not washing your hands before touching your lenses and more bad habits can lead to serious eye problems. Below are 8 common contact lens mistakes you should avoid.

1. Wearing Contact Lenses All Day

Wearing contact lenses all day can damage your eyesight. The cornea (the transparent layer forming the front of the eye) gets its oxygen supply directly from the air rather than from the blood. But a contact lens acts as a barrier to that oxygen supply, so wearing them too long can potentially starve the cornea of oxygen. It is recommended to avoid wearing contacts for more than eight hours a day.

2. Sleeping with your contact lenses on

The most common infection related to contact lens use is microbial keratitis, an infection of the cornea. Research shows that sleeping in contact lenses overnight increases the risk of infection by about four times, irrespective of lens type.

3. Not Wearing Sunglasses

When you are out wearing lenses, even the tiniest dust particle is enough to irritate your eyes big time. These dust particles can result into itching and redness in the eyes. So, make sure to wear sunglasses when you step out.

4. Washing Your Face While Wearing Contact Lenses

Washing your face while wearing contact lenses can subject you to several risk factors if your lenses come into contact with tap water. An amoeba called acanthamoeba is found in tap water which can contaminate your contact lens and cause a serious cornea infection called Acanthamoeba Keratitis. Always take them out first to prevent infections.

5. Using water to clean your lenses

Avoid using tap water to rinse or store your soft contact lenses. Water can cause your contact lenses to change shape, swell and stick to your eyes when you apply them, often causing significant discomfort and blurred vision. Always use solution that is meant to clean and store reusable soft contact lenses.

6. Not washing your hands before touching your lenses

If you touch your contacts without washing your hands, you transfer bacteria to the lens. Always wash your hands with soap and water and dry them well with a clean towel—every single time—before you touch your contact lenses.
Before applying, always check to see if lens is inside out. Place the lens on the tip of your finger and view its shape from the side, as shown below. If the lens is the correct shape then the edges of the lens will appear to be curved like the edge of a bowl. If the lens is inside out then the edges will flare out like the edge of a plate.
contact lens mistake

7. Wearing your lenses way past their expiration date

Lenses get worn out and have to be changed before their shelf life expires. The solution containing the lenses can also go bad over time, it can become more acidic or more alkaline (basic). With an unstable pH (acidity), the lens, when the solution expires, can cause infection and become very uncomfortable.

8. Not cleaning out your lens case after each use

Every single time you use your contact lens case, you need to rinse it out with fresh solution and let it dry. otherwise, a little layer will build up on bottom called biofilm, this could put your eyes at risk for infection. You should also not use a contact lens case for longer than three months. Every three months, the case should be changed with a new one.

9 Things Your Hands Say About Your Health

Did you know your hands can reveal clues to your overall health? From fingernail color to grip strength, our hands can indicate risk factors for a number of health conditions. Below are the 9 things your hands say about your health.

1. Grip strength

More recently, studies have linked grip strength and overall health. According to one research, grip strength is actually a better predictor of cardiovascular disease than blood pressure. A weak grip is linked to a higher risk of heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes. Grip strength is an indicator of overall muscle strength and fitness. Whole-body strength training and aerobic exercise can reduce heart disease risk.

2. Shaky hands

Shaky hands is commonly referred to as a hand tremor. Hand tremor could be the result of something as simple as too much caffeine or a side effect of certain medications like asthma drugs and antidepressants. But it’s a good idea to see your doctor if the issue recurs. A tremor in just one hand can be a first symptom of Parkinson’s disease, or it can indicate essential tremor, a disorder that causes uncontrollable shaking.

3. Bony Lumps On Fingers

Bony pea-sized lumps that are painful to the touch around the joints of the fingers can be a marker for osteoarthritis elsewhere in the body, such as hips or knees.

4. Club Fingers

club fingers
If the tips of your fingers are dome-shaped or look like small clubs, it could be a warning sign of serious diseases such as Lung cancer. This sign found in around 29% of people with lung cancer.

5. Sweaty palms

Sweaty palms
Overly sweaty hands may be a symptom of thyroid conditions, as well as hyperhidrosis, a condition in which overactive sweat glands produce sweat in excess of what is considered normal. Most people with the condition sweat from only one or two parts of the body, such as the under arms, palms, or feet.

6. Red Palms

If your palms remain reddened over a long period of time, this may be a condition called liver palm or palmar erythema. It is thought to be caused by blood vessels which are dilating in response to the hormone imbalance caused by the damage to the liver. The redness is more prominent on the outer edge of the palms from the wrist to the little finger.

7. Two-tone Nails

Nails that are a pale white on the bottom half, nearest the skin, but a brownish shade on the top half, could be a sign of chronic kidney disease. The condition is known as half-and-half nails and it’s thought to be due to a build up of urea – a waste product normally processed by the kidneys but which here crystallises under the skin and nails.

8. Pale or White Nail Beds

white nail beds
This type of discoloration can be a sign of anemia, which means your body is not making enough healthy red blood cells to carry adequate oxygen to your tissues. A routine blood test can check for anemia, and treatment generally consists of iron supplementation.

9. Blue Fingernails

Nails that have a blue-ish look about them usually indicate that the body is low on oxygen. Respiratory problems, like pneumonia, often cause the nails to have a blue-ish tint. Heart conditions called cyanosis can also give the nails a blue discoloration.

Simple 2 Ingredients Recipe Which Melts Belly Fat & Lowers Cholesterol Levels

Maintaining healthy weight and cholesterol levels is essential to your overall health and wellness. One simple way you can reduce belly fat and lower cholesterol levels is by including low-calorie, high-fiber foods in your regular diet. Here are the 2 simple ingredients and the recipe to lower blood cholesterol levels and reduce belly fat.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Studies have found that the nutrients, enzymes, and acetic acids in apple cider vinegar cause weight reduction by acting as an appetite suppressant, by raising the body’s natural metabolic rate, by reducing water retention, and by producing a feeling of satiety sooner.
Apple cider vinegar could also lower cholesterol levels. Soluble fiber found in the apple cider vinegar, in the form of pectin, attaches itself to cholesterol and carries it out of the body.

2. Dried figs

Dried figs or anjeer are an ideal snack for those who want to lose weight. They is rich in dietary fibre, particularly soluble fiber. In fact, figs have the highest fiber content of any dried fruit with 7.3 grams of fiber per 1/2 cup, that’s 29% of the daily requirement. They’re also low enough in calories that you won’t ruin your diet.
Dry figs contain omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and phytosterol compounds, which help lower cholesterol levels and preserve the flexibility of your arteries which can decrease the risk of heart disease.


  • Dried figs
  • Organic apple cider vinegar
Prepare this remedy in the evening, and take it in the morning. Take three dried figs and prick them well using a toothpick. Put them in a glass container filled with 15 tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar. You can leave it overnight so the figs absorbs the vinegar well. In the morning eat the figs and don’t throw away the rest of the vinegar, but use it to prepare the remedy in the same manner the following night. Use the same vinegar for seven days. On the eighth day take new vinegar and repeat the procedure for another week. This procedure lasts 14 days. You must also eat healthy foods and exercise regularly.

4 Surprising Ways To Use Eggshells For Health

Eggshells are considered waste by most, but they have amazing health properties and uses. Egg’s shell is natural source of minerals and contains 90% calcium. Calcium in eggshells is easily absorbed by our body because its chemical composition is almost identical to human’s teeth and bones. Below are the surprising health properties and uses of Eggshells.

Health properties of eggshells:

  • High-quality eggshells contain 27 essential microelements but they’re mostly composed of calcium carbonate, a form and structure that’s very similar to our bones and teeth.
  • A dentistry school in the Phillipines did a study comparing various leading toothpastes along with their own compounded toothpaste from eggshells. They found that over a period of time, the teeth cleaned with the eggshell toothpaste had less plaque build up and stronger enamel. This is due to the fact that eggshells have calcium and other trace minerals which are essential for healthy enamel, thus preventing cavities.
  • Many studies have also shown the effectiveness of eggshell calcium in improving bone mineral density, reducing arthritis pain, and stimulating cartilage growth.
  • Eggshells also contain mineral elements: magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, sodium, potassium, iron, sulfur, aluminum, etc.

A few SURPRISING uses of egg shells for health:

Make Your Own Powdered Calcium Supplement
Boil the eggs in water for 5 minutes. This way you will eliminate the pathogens that might be found on the shell. Allow the shells to dry and then turn them into powder using a coffee grinder. 1 tsp. contains approximately 800-1,000 mg. of calcium. Consume 1 tsp. daily by mixing in a small amount of water with a meal.
Heal cavities using eggshell toothpaste
If you want to get rid of cavities, prepare your own eggshell toothpaste. Take a quarter cup of powdered eggshells prepared using the method described above. Take 2 tablespoons of coconut oil and a tablespoon of baking soda. Mix the ingredients in a bowl until you obtain a paste that you can store in a jar. You may also add a few drops of peppermint oil for the usual minty flavor of toothpaste. Use this composition to brush your teeth.
For a Nourishing Facial
For a healthful, skin-tightening facial, mix the eggshell powder with some egg white and whisk properly. Spread the mixture over your face and allow it to dry. Then, wash off with fresh cold water. It will nourish your skin and make it firmer.
Treat Skin Irritations
Drop an eggshell into a small container of apple cider vinegar and let it soak for a couple of days. Then, dip a cotton ball in this concoction and apply it to the affected parts of your skin.

How to Eat & Exercise Correctly According to Your Body Type

There are 3 distinct body types: ectomorphs, endomorphs, and mesomorphs. Everyone falls into one of these three categories. Each of these 3 types need slightly different exercise and diet plans to fit their body types in order to achieve desired results. Below are some tips to help you eat and train according to your body type.
workout according to your body type

1. Ectomorphs

They are your classic “hardgainer” and tend to be thin, long-limbed and have fast metabolism. In general, they have a tough time putting on fat and muscle.

Exercise for your body type

The ectomorph training focuses on muscle building and strength over cardio and interval training. They need to give their muscle more time to recover between training sessions, more so than other body types. The workout session must be completed within 45 minutes to 1 hour. Train each bodypart once per week.
  • Lift Heavy: Since the ectomorph needs strength, they need to train heavier with 4-6 sets in the 5-10 repetitions range. Use the heaviest weights you can handle and increase training intensity with each workout. This mean more weight, reps, and sets.
  • Take longer rest periods: Take 2-5 minutes of rest between sets if lifting heavier weights and really overload to stimulate muscle fibres and growth.
  • Reduce Cardio: Cardio is an important part of training. But ectomorphs should lower their cardio workout in order to avoid burning too much calories.
  • Big compound exercises: Ectomorphs need to focus their efforts compound-based workouts like the bench press, shoulder press, dips, bent over rows squats, leg presses and deadlifts.


Ectomorphs have fast metabolism, which can turn food into energy quickly. To build muscle, increase the daily carbohydrate intake, as well as a higher caloric intake overall. Increase daily protein intake to 1 – 1.5g of protein per pound of bodyweight. Recommended macronutrient ratio for an ectomorph is Carbohydrate 50% – Protein 30% – Fat 20%

2. Mesomorph

Mesomorphs have an athletic physique, broad shoulders, lots of muscle mass, and are relatively lean. Mesomorphic individuals gain muscle and lose fat very easily. Their bodies respond well to nutrition and training regimens. They are somewhere between the endomorph and the ectomorph.

Exercise for your body type

Mix Compound And Isolation Movements: Training of a mesomorph should be composed of both compound and isolation movements. They are suited to classic muscle building workouts and muscle group splits during a training week.
Use classic muscle building splits such as:
Legs: Leg press, Leg extension, Leg curl, Lunges, Squats etc.
Back: Bent over row, pull downs, Bent over rows, Low rows, Pull ups, Deadlifts etc.
Chest: Chest Fly, Chest press, Cable flys, Bench press, Push ups, etc.
Arms: Bicep curls, Tricep extensions, Tricep pull downs, Hammer curls, Tricep kickbacks etc.
Shoulders: Shoulder press, Side lateral raises, Barbell rows, Military Press, Front raises etc.
For each exercise, do 3-4 sets of 15-20 reps, using the same weight for each set.
Moderate Session: Since mesomorphs have more strength and energy, they can perform longer workouts than ectomorphs.
Focus on endurance Mesomorphs have poor endurance abilities and consequently their cardiovascular health needs work. Cardio training 4 days per week for 30 minutes a session will be of tremendous benefit to the mesomorph.
Incorporate stretching exercises
As mesomorph build muscle quickly, so their muscles can get really tight. Incorporate stretching exercises into every workout session to avoid injury by increasing your flexibility. Do a variety of stretches so you stretch each of your major muscle groups.


As mesomorph tends to turn food into muscle really easily, so they need high amount of protein. Intake of carbohydrates should be moderate, since they can easily be stored as fat.
Recommended macronutrient ratio to build muscle:
Carbohydrate 40% – Protein 40% – Fat 20%
Recommended macronutrient ratio to lose fat:
Carbohydrate 30% – Protein 40% – Fat 30%

3. Endomorph

The Endomorphs gains weight easily and usually carry extra fat around the lower abdomen, hips and thighs. Endomorphic individuals generally have slow metabolism, store fat easily and have a harder time than other body types in losing body fat. They should focus on moderate caloric intake, add cardio exercises and weight lifting so they can burn more calories and boost metabolism.

Exercise for your body type

Endomorphs are more suited to full body, compound heavy, high volume and frequency resistance training teamed with regular cardiovascular exercise.
  • Circuit training: Circuit training is ideal for endomorphs. Pick 3-5 exercises and go through each one with no rest between exercises. Rest 2 minutes between circuits. Full body routines focusing on large muscle groups e.g. back and legs to stimulate the most muscle and burn most calories.
  • Rep Range And Superset: Keep your rep range in the 9-12 range for upper body and 12-25 rep range for legs and calves. During training, include supersets: do two different exercises in a row (bench press – pull ups), it helps burning more calories.
  • High Amount Of Cardio Trainings: To lose a lot of weight, cardio has to be the core of your routine along with a few weight trainings. Do a cardio workout at least 30-40 minutes, several days a week.

Nutrition For An Endomorph

Endomorphs should be more strict on calorie intake. To lose weight, they must burn more calories than consume. Carbohydrates intake should be limited, whether it’s for building muscle or lose fat.
Recommended macronutrient ratio to build muscle: Carbohydrate 30% – Protein 50% – Fat 20%
Recommended macronutrient ratio to lose fat: Carbohydrate 20% – Protein 50% – Fat 30%

7 Common Habits That Can Cause Kidney Stones & How To Prevent It

Kidney stones are deposits of minerals and acid salts that form a hard mass in your kidneys and may also affect your ureters, bladder or urethra. Pain in the belly and side of the back is the dominant symptom of kidney stones. There are several steps you can take to avoid kidney stones, including avoiding dehydration and changing your diet. Here are some common habits that can cause kidney stones and how to prevent it.

1. Not drinking enough water

The most important factor for the prevention of kidney stones is to produce adequate volumes of urine. Strive to drink enough fluids to pass 2 liters of urine a day, which is roughly 8 glasses. Drinking extra water dilutes the substances in urine that lead to stones. Also include some citrus beverages, like lemonade and orange juice. The citrate in these beverages helps block stone formation.

2. Not emptying your bladder when there is a need/urge

Holding urine in the bladder for too long is one of the reasons that can cause kidney stones. It can cause toxins and minerals to accumulate and crystallize over the time to form stones. So, always empty your bladder when you feel the urge to urinate.

3. Too much salt Could Cause Stones

Salt contains sodium. When your diet is high in sodium, it causes over-excretion of calcium into urine by the kidneys. High concentrations of calcium in the urine combine with oxalate and phosphorus to form stones. No more than 5.8 grams of salt should be eaten daily.

4. Eating a high-protein diet can lead to stones

Animal protein has been linked to the development of kidney stones and if you have a high protein diet, then you are more likely to stress out your kidneys and this can contribute to their creation. Furthermore, seafood, meat and other proteinaceous foods are rich in compounds called purines. High purine levels increase the production of uric acid leading to uric acid stones.

5. Limit stone-forming foods

Oxalate is a substance that is present is several foods. It binds calcium to form calcium oxalate crystals or stones while urine is produced by the kidneys. Beets, chocolate, spinach, sweet potatoes, tea, and most nuts are rich in oxalate. Limit the intake of oxalate rich foods to prevent kidney stones.

6. Consume calcium and oxalate-rich foods together to Prevent Stones

Consume calcium and oxalate-rich foods together to avoid formation of oxalate crystals. When you do that, oxalate and calcium will bind in the stomach itself before reaching the kidneys. This way you will be less likely to suffer from kidney stones.

7. Eat a balanced alkaline/acid diet

High acidic diets create an environment that encourages kidney stones. A more alkalizing diet raises the pH of the urine and prevents kidney stones. The majority of fruits are alkalizing. Some of the best fruits are melons, lemons, limes, dates, figs and raisins. Coconut water has clinically been found to dissolve kidney stones. It is naturally rich in potassium, which plays a key role in urine alkalizing and preventing formation of kidney stones.