Sunday 12 June 2016

How Business Growth is Impacted by Education

Education - Impact Of Education On Business Growth
As right stated by Nelson Mandela “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. Any experience that has a formative effect on the way one thinks, feels, or acts may be considered educational. Education is the factor that influences owner mangers entrepreneurial success.
For the success and growth of any business, communication skills, team working , having a business mind, innovation and a positive attitude are the most important ones. These skills needs to be taught via formal education  where the young people are prepared to face challenges in a virtual situation, where they are formally shown how to speak to people in a better manner, how to tackle business obstacles and coming up with innovative strategies for the business to survive and grow in the competitive environment. A lot of information is available on the topics which may not directly provide solution to our business problems, it is the education that formally points out to the resources and to the ways such resources can be helpful to tackle the current situation facing business.
The diversity of the educational level of the 10,000 Small Businesses is a hallmark of the program, and business growth is achieved by business owners with all types of educational backgrounds. With the exception of having less than a high school degree (60% grow revenues at six months) and a high school degree (75% grew revenues at six months), all the rest of the educational levels’ revenue growth rates are similar across educational attainment levels, with more variation seen in the creation of jobs. At the six month point, the educational attainment categories with the most job creators are Associate Degrees (52%) and Some College/No Degree (49%).
Entrepreneur’s ages have also been a popular point of discussion in the media, with focal points often either millennials or those considered older. While our numbers of participating business owners in some of these age categories are still small, intriguing themes are emerging. Our youngest business owners (those under 44) who grow the revenues are the most likely to increase their growth between the six and 18 month follow-ups. Also, when looking at what happened by 18 months after program completion, the number of businesses with younger owners that grew by more than 100% nearly doubled.
The purpose of education is to replace an empty mind with an open one. Education grooms young potential youth to be the future face of business with innovation and continual growth.

What Kind Of Woman Are You Based On Your Birth Month

Most scientists won't believe on the whole horoscope thing. For them, it's just a mere tell tale. But new research suggests your birth month may count for something, after all. It could predict your personality and how you view life. Refer below to know if the predictions about you and your birth month are almost correct. January Ladies born in January are ambitious,conservative and serious.They want to criticize but they don’t want to talk about their feelings,they are closed ladies.Rarely are angry, but when they are not be in their presence.they want intellectual people that share same views of life. February These women are very romantic,you should treat them with patience because of the changing mood, not everyone could understand them.Have abstractly thinking, if you betray them you will never see them again. March Women born in this mount have strong charisma and charm,are dedicated and loyal. They hard fall in love.These woman are cute until you upset her but in fact it is pleasure to live with person like this. April These women are diplomats have easy communication, but sometimes know to pity themselves. They are very jealous, which once if it burst, you better move away. The April girl, she will make you the happiest man on the planet. Only to those who deserve they open their soul . May Women born in May are very persistent and faithful to their principles and are very nice, in a physical way. However, combined with the difficult character, they become dangerous to any man who falls in love with them because will remember as long as they are alive.
June They are very creative and communicative , curious girls. But they believe that this is right – better truth to be told in the face, rather than spoken from the back. . In love are very dangerous players. Men are like toys in their hands. July These girls are very honest, do not allow anybody to come close near them , mysterious,very intelligent, beautiful and at a higher level than the rest. Do not want conflicts and are polite to everyone. They often suffer for the past times. Moreover if this July-woman falls in love in you, the greatest mistake will be if you cheat her because you will lose her forever. August A unique combination of great heart and egoism…! Do not mess with these ladies, because sooner or later she will win. Despite being happy with an incredible sense of humor, they do not allow anyone to mock them. If this happens, you won’t know what hit you. They always want to be in the spotlight and never suffer from men’s attention. Men lose their heads in their presence. September They are kind, disciplined, beautiful girls but never forgive the one who will betray them. So be careful not to hurt them because they’ll revenge you. September girls want long relationships. They are not girls for one night. On the other hand they are very critically tuned towards their partner and ask of him to meet all their requirements. The man who would prove, he will win. Their mind does let them to make a mistake, no matter their heart wants the opposite.
October Women born in October have demonstrate strength and independence,have an iron character,but are very emotional. Rarely cry in front of other people. They are smart ,not open their soul to everyone, knowing that people tend to abuse it. Other women often hate them because they envy them. November November lady is always one step ahead of everyone else. They immediately recognize a lie. You should not play with these women because you will get the worst end of it. An important thing to know about these women – if you are ready to hear the truth, you never ask them for their opinion. December Born with a lot of luck, impatient, too fast, always find a way to get out of any situation as winners. They know how to lift the mood. Usually, it takes only a few minutes to conquer you. Their heart is great, people sometimes hurt them, but because God is on their side at the end they get what they deserve.

Saturday 11 June 2016

10 Things A Woman Should Avoid During Her Monthly Period

Women who undergo so much of pressure during their periods also do the craziest of things which one would find no explanation. During this time of the month, there are some women who are blessed with an easy period and there are some who go through hell. When you are in pain there is a lot of discomfort in the body. Therefore, there are things you should refrain from doing. Here are the list of the things you should not do if you have your monthly visitor:
1. COOK One of the things you should never do while on your period is enter the kitchen, not even for a snack. What if one of your emotional attacks occur while you have a knife in hand? Scary right? 2. WATCH ROMANTIC COMEDIES You are undeniably emotional during this time so if you’re single, romantic comedies can make you miss dating. If you’re in a relationship, they can make you miss being single. 3. USE MOBILE PHONES If you pick up phones check on Facebook, you might end up calling your ex. It’s an emotional time of the month, so how can you stand to be alone? 4. START ARGUMENTS If you start a fight with a friend, you’re going to say things that you don’t mean, because like it or not, our hormones mess with us. 5. GET OUT OF BED You feel horrible, and no one wants to deal with your emotional outbursts. Just stay in bed and sleep. 6. EAT TONS OF CHOCOLATE You don’t have to stuff yourself with chocolate, because you’re on your period. It’s not going to make you feel any better. Don't believe those cliches. 7. TAKE A SHOWER You don’t want to stand up straight anyway, so don’t put yourself through the agony. You can, however, sit in warm bath and try to forget your troubles.
8. DO HOUSEWORK Don’t make yourself miserable trying to take care of things when you’re having your period. Just leave the mess and crawl back into bed and rest. 9. RUN Running while you’re menstruating is probably one of the worst ideas ever. It won’t feel good. 10. EXERCISE IN ANY WAY You only feel bloated because you’re on your period. Once the week is over, you’ll be your sexy self again.

Want To Have Long And Shiny Hair That's Envied By Other? Try This Miracle Shampoo

Like skin, hair just looks better when it glows. Having shine means hair is healthy. It reflects light, creating natural highlights and making the face appear radiant. The outer layer of healthy hair contains natural oil to keep it moist and shiny. When this layer is damaged, your hair will look dull, unhealthy and dry.
Some of the factors that contribute to dull hair are illness, nutritional deficiencies, use of harsh hair care products, not using a good conditioner, over exposure to sun, frequent use of hair dyes, age, excessive stress, high mineral content in the water, chlorine in swimming pools and use of heating tools. But you don’t have to worry about how to maintain healthy hair anymore. Here is a perfect natural shampoo which will help you to restore the volume, health, and shine of your hair almost instantly. Things you'll need: * Nettle shampoo - 750 ml (plain) * Vitamin B - 2 ampoule * AD drops - 30 ml (aqueous solution) * Castor oil - 50 ml * Panthenol - 100 ml (aqueous solution) * Nettle drops - 30 ml Procedure: 1. Take 1 liter empty bottle and add 70 ml nettle shampoo into it. 2. Add 100 ml of panthenol along with 30 ml of AD drops and 50 ml of castor oil. 3. Shake the bottle properly to mix all the solution. 4. At the end add 30 ml of nettle drops and shake the bottle again. Your shampoo is ready to use. How to Use: Before each application just shake the bottle properly. Take out some solution and massage it gently on your hair and scalp. Allow it to remain for 10 minutes and then wash it off with warm water.
Video :

Friday 10 June 2016

How To Whiten Dark Knees And Legs Fast And Easy

Dark knees are commonly seen in people who suffer from very dry skin. People with dark complexion also have dark and ashy knees. To treat dark knees and legs one must always use the trusted and tried home remedies.
There are many effective yet simple home remedies to lighten the color of the knees and legs. However, you have to be regular with the treatments and you can even use two or more natural treatments at the same time since these treatments are without any side effects. Treat Dark Knees: 1. Lemon juice and white sugar - Take 2 tbsp lime juice and mix it with 1 tbsp white sugar. - Now use it to scrub your knees or other discolored area of your leg. - Scrub firmly for around 10 minutes and then wash off with plain water. Repeat this for at least one week regularly to see results. 2. Lemon juice and coconut oil - Mix one tbsp of lemon juice with 1 tbsp of coconut oil. - Mix it well and apply directly on your leg focusing more on your knee area. - Keep it for 15 minutes and then wash off with lukewarm water. This will not only lighten dark spots but it will also keep your legs moisturized and smooth. Bright Tips:
* If you have dark spots on your leg then mix some foundation with your regular body and apply on your leg directly. This will hide dark spots and will give you shiny smooth legs. * To get sexy shiny legs then mix some face highlighter with your body lotion. This recipe will give you shiny legs just like actresses. Video :

If You Knew Someone Biting Their Nails, Tell Them To Stop Before It's Too Late

Your fingernails have a couple of big jobs to do. They protect your fingertips and make it easier for you to pick up tiny things, like loose threads. They also come in handy when you have an itch that needs scratching. But when you bite your nails, your nails aren't there to do those things. And by biting them, you are breaking the skin and maybe bringing germs into these openings in your skin. In fact, some people bite their nails and cuticles down so far, they bleed! When germs invade, they can get an infection. It can be hard to break this habit, but learning about the potential dangers of nail biting might finally stop the urge once and for all.
1. Disease-Causing Bacteria As you bite your nails, those bacteria easily transfer into your mouth and the rest of your body, where they may lead to infections. Your fingernails may actually be twice as dirty as your fingers making this a prime point of transfer for infectious organisms. 2. Nail Infections Nail biters are susceptible to paronychia, a skin infection that occurs around your nails. As you chew your nails, bacteria, yeast, and other microorganisms can enter through tiny tears or abrasions, leading to swelling, redness, and pus around your nail. This painful condition may have to be drained surgically. 3. Warts Due to HPV Infections Warts on your fingers caused by human papillomavirus, or HPV, are common among chronic nail biters. These warts can easily spread to your mouth and lips as you bite your nails. 4. Dental Problems Nail biting can interfere with proper dental occlusion. Your teeth may shift out of their proper position, become misshapen, wear down prematurely, and become weakened if you bite your nails over time.
5. Impaired Quality of Life A study published this year found that people who chronically bite their nails report significantly higher quality of life impairment than those who do not. Tension when trying to resist nail biting, suffering due to nail biting or nail-eating behavior also negatively influenced quality of life. Simple Tips to Stop Biting Your Nails Whether you’re an adult who can’t seem to kick the habit, or a parent of a child or teen who bites his or her nails, here are simple options that are often effective for quitting: - Keep a journal to identify your nail-biting triggers, such as boredom or watching TV, then avoid the triggers as much as possible - Wrap your fingertips with Band-Aids or electrical tape - Keep your nails trimmed short or manicured - Keep your hands busy with other activities, such as knitting - Put an unpleasant tasting substance on your fingertips (vinegar, hot sauce, or commercially available bitter-tasting options) Video :

Thursday 9 June 2016

Only 5 Minute Exercise Routine To Improve Your Eyesight Naturally

  • Our eyes are the most precious sensory organs of our body, so we should be doing all we can to take care of them. However, in today’s world, it can be difficult to find the time to really take care of our eyes. Here are some simple things that you can do to take care of eyesight and make it better. They are easy to do and can be done anywhere and anytime.

    1. Palming

    • Sit comfortable on a chair. Close your eyes.
    • Rub the palms of your hands vigorously, until they become warm and place the palms gently over your eye lids.
    • Hold your hands over your eyes until the heat from the hands has been completely absorbed by the eyes.
    • Repeat the process at least three times.

    2. Blinking

    • Sit comfortably with your eyes open.
    • Blink around 10 times very quickly.
    • Close your eyes and relax for 20 seconds. Slowly take your attention to your breath.
    • Repeat this exercise about 5 times.

    3. Range of Motion

    The following eye patterns are designed to strengthen the muscles of the eyes in a mobilizing way which will ultimately improve your eye sight naturally.
    eye motion
    • 1. Look straight ahead and look all the way up. Count 2 seconds, then look all the way down.
    • 2. Count 2 seconds. Then look to the extreme left. Repeat and look to the extreme right.
    • 3. Now you have to move your eyes to the four diagonal corners. (you may feel tight stretches in your eyes which is a good thing).Begin with looking to the extreme top-left corner, bottom-right, top-right and end with bottom-left for one whole cycle.
    • 4. Rolling of eyes is also a good exercise. This can be done by slowly circling your eyeballs in clockwise and anticlockwise directions.
    • As you do each one, remember to keep breathing. Do each one 8 – 10 times. Remember to maintain your head stationary.

    4. The Cross Eye

    eye cross

    • Lift the right arm straight directly in front of the face. Making a fist, keep your thumb pointing upward.
    • Focus on the tip of the thumb, now bend the arm and gradually bring the thumb closer to you, focusing until your thumb is about 3 inches in front of your face. Remain in this position for a while
    • Continuing to gaze at the tip of the thumb, slowly straighten the arm.
    • This is one round. Perform at least five such rounds.
    • You can also practice this exercise by holding a pencil in front of you at arm’s length.

    Transform Your Thinning Hair Overnight With Only 1 Solution

    As hair is regarded as an asset that enhances one’s physical appearance, balding or thinning hair is a problem that many want to correct as soon as possible. If you have thinning hair, there is no need to spend money on expensive treatments and products. Here, we present you the one natural remedy that will make your hair more voluminous than ever.
    Having egg yolk based masks in your hair care routine will make your hair grow stronger and also stopped it from falling out. This is the beauty secrets used by many celebrities that have seen its benefits on lifeless hair. By applying this once a week you will too, notice its benefits. It is extremely beneficial for:- Lifeless or Dull hair - Dry hair - Fine hair - Dyed hair - Damaged hair How To Make The Mask For Lifeless Hair You will need: - 1 Egg Yolk - 1 TSP Honey - 1 TSP Castor Oil Steps: 1. Place the egg yolk in a bowl. 2. Add your honey followed by the castor oil 3. Mix your ingredients really well until your hair mask’s consistency is smooth and runny. 4. Apply this mask from the root to the tip of your hair. 5. Let it set for 30 minutes but for better results try leaving it for an hour. 6. Rinse it out by washing your hair with shampoo and conditioner Egg yolk combined with this wonderful oil along with the honey had truly made wonders.
    Castor oil is wonderful for regenerating and stimulating the growth of hair: either on your head, eyebrows or eyelashes. Honey will contribute in healing your hair from potential harmful environmental factors. Checkout the full tutorial below: Video :

    Use This Ointment And Never Experience Pain Again In The Next 5 Years

    Osteochondritis is a condition followed by a strong pain in the neck. It is very painful, but fortunately, can be healed.
    While there are certain over-the-counter medications for this kind of pain, we all know that these drugs will always get their toll on your health. So here, we present to you an extraordinary solution which will heal the pain and remove it for several years. Ingredients: - 10 tablespoons of high quality salt - 20 tablespoons of unrefined olive or sunflower oil Preparation: Simply mix the ingredients in a glass container. Seal the container well and leave it for 2 days. After 2 days, your remedy is ready to use.How to use it: Apply the mixture on the affected area, in the morning – immediately after you wake up. You just have to rub this homemade remedy on your skin in 2-3 minutes, then gradually increase the time. Wipe off the excess with a damp towel. Just after 10 days of using this remedy, you will notice great changes. It will stimulate your circulation and muscle regeneration in your cartilage and bone tissues.
    Moreover, your body will be free of toxins, and your metabolism will reach its highest peak. It should be noted that you may feel a bit dizzy after the massage, but it is worth it. The best part is that this home remedy has no side-effects. Watch Video :

    Larry Page has secretly spent $100 million building flying cars

    zee aero patent 1  
    USPTO/Zee.Aero An early patent held by Zee.Aero.

    Larry Page, one of the cofounders of Google who is now the CEO of its parent company, Alphabet, has secretly spent more than $100 million to develop flying cars.
    That's according to a bombshell new report from Bloomberg Businessweek, based on conversations with numerous sources.
    Page reportedly also owns a secretive startup called Zee.Aero, which launched in 2010.
    Larry Page David Paul Morris/Bloomberg via Getty Images Larry Page, Google cofounder and CEO of parent company Alphabet.
    The billionaire exec has apparently spent more than $100 million of his own money on the company, which is based in Mountain View, California, (near Google's HQ) and now employs nearly 150 people.
    And that's not all: Page is also reportedly funding a second flying-car startup called Kitty Hawk. Kitty Hawk works independently from Zee.Aero, but has similar goals. (It's not clear how much Page has invested into Kitty Hawk.)
    This isn't all just hypothetical, either. Zee.Aero has two prototype aircrafts based in a hanger nearby, Bloomberg says, which take "regular test flights." Its vehicles are electric-powered.
    The diagram above, from a patent originating in 2011, was an early design, Bloomberg reports. It is now pursuing a "simpler, more conventional-looking design."
    The long-term vision for flying cars is to build a light aircraft capable of acting in a similar way to earth-bound cars. Designs made by Zee.Aero use propellers for vertical take-offs - essential for saving space - and some diagrams even show the vehicle wings folding up so it can fit in car parking spaces.
    Zee.Aero's website doesn't give much away. "Based in the heart of Silicon Valley, Zee is developing a revolutionary new form of transportation," it says in a call for job applicants. "Working at the intersection of aerodynamics, advanced manufacturing, and electric propulsion, we provide a stimulating environment where creative employees can explore new challenges."

    zee aero website Zee.Aero Zee.Aero's website.
    Page has apparently worked hard to keep his involvement in Zee.Aero secret. Early in the company's history, when it was based in a building that he rented the upper floor of, he wasn't even called by his true name, Bloomberg reports. Instead, employees only said "GUS" - short for "Guy UpStairs."

    5 Eyeliner Mistakes Girls Usually Do And How To Correct It

    Eyeliner is not only a way to play with color and make a statement; it's also the perfect instrument to reshape your eye. You don't have to go under the knife for bigger-looking eyes if you know how to wield an eyeliner brush for your eye shape. Eyeliner is one of the trickier makeup products out there but it’s not the easiest product to master because When applied correctly, eyeliner can make your eyes look bigger, wider, and more alert. It can enhance the color of your eyes and make your whole face pop. It takes a lot of patience to apply it.
    Don’t worry. You don’t have to have a perfectly steady hand to have gorgeous eyeliner. 1. Pick the right product A creamy pencil that isn’t waterproof glides on smoothly and is easiest to blend. One that also has a built-in smudger, which will come in handy when blending. 2. Take a seat Sit, place a mirror on a flat surface and look down when applying liner. This gives you a better angle to see the grove between your lashes and lash line, so you can draw on color with precision. 3. Connect the dots up top The upper lash line doesn’t draw as much attention as its lower counterpart, but it’s equally important. To apply, create three short strokes as close to the lash line as possible. Don’t worry about creating a super straight line. The trick: Trace over it with black shadow until the line is smooth. 4. Go easy on the bottom One of the biggest problems is when the lower lash line is too dark or too hard. For soft definition, apply a short stroke of color along the outer corner under your lower lashes.
    5. Always finish with mascara Liner looks best when paired with lush lashes. Clamp and squeeze a lash curler three times—at the lash line, in the middle and again at the ends—then seal the curl with a few coats of lengthening mascara. The result: perfectly defined, every time. Watch Video :

    Fighting Depression With Antioxidants

    Fighting Depression With Antioxidants

    According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the rates of all of our top 10 killers have fallen or stabilized except for one, suicide. Accumulating evidence indicates that free radicals may play important roles in the development of various neuropsychiatric disorders including major depression, a common cause of suicide. In a study of nearly 300,000 Canadians, for example, greater fruit and vegetable consumption was associated with lower odds of depression, psychological distress, self-reported mood and anxiety disorders and poor perceived mental health. They conclude that since a healthy diet comprised of a high intake of fruits and vegetables is rich in antioxidants, it may consequently dampen the detrimental effects of oxidative stress on mental health. But that study was based on just asking how many fruits and veggies people ate. Maybe people were just telling the researchers what they thought they wanted to hear. What if you actually measure the levels of carotenoid phytonutrients in people’s bloodstreams? The same relationship is found. Testing nearly 2000 people across the United States, researchers found that a higher total blood carotenoid level was indeed associated with a lower likelihood of elevated depressive symptoms, and there appeared to be a dose-response relationship, meaning the higher the levels, the better people felt.

    Lycopene, the red pigment predominantly found in tomatoes (but also present in watermelon, pink grapefruit, guava and papaya) is the most powerful carotenoid antioxidant. In a test tube it’s about 100 times more effective at quenching free radicals than a more familiar antioxidant like vitamin E. So do people who eat more tomatoes have less depression? Apparently so. A study of about a thousand older men and women found that those who ate the most tomato products had only about half the odds of depression. The researchers conclude that a tomato-rich diet may have a beneficial effect on the prevention of depressive symptoms. Higher consumption of fruits and vegetables has been found to lead to a lower risk of developing depression, but if it’s the antioxidants can’t we just take an antioxidant pill? Only food sources of antioxidants were protectively associated with depression. Not antioxidants from dietary supplements. Although plant foods and food-derived phytochemicals have been associated with health benefits, antioxidants from dietary supplements appear to be less beneficial and may, in fact, be detrimental to health. This may indicate that the form and delivery of the antioxidants are important. Alternatively, the observed associations may be due not to antioxidants but rather to other dietary factors such as folate that also occur in fruits, vegetables, and plant-rich diets. In a study of thousands of middle-aged office workers, eating lots of processed food was found to be a risk factor for at least mild to moderate depression five years later, whereas a whole food pattern was found to be protective. Yes, it could be because of the high content of antioxidants in fruits and vegetables but could also be the folate in greens and beans, as some studies have suggested an increased risk of depression in folks who may not have been eating enough.
    Low folate levels in the blood are associated with depression, but since most of the early studies were cross-sectional, meaning a snapshot in time, we didn’t know if the low folate led to depression or the depression led to low folate. Maybe when you have the blues you don’t want to eat the greens. But since then a number of cohort studies were published, following people over time. They show that a low dietary intake of folate may indeed be a risk factor for severe depression, as much as a threefold higher risk. Note this is for dietary folate intake, not folic acid supplements, so those with higher levels were actually eating healthy foods. If you give people folic acid pills they don’t seem to work. This may be because folate is found in dark green leafy vegetables like spinach, whereas folic acid is the oxidized synthetic compound used in food fortification and dietary supplements because it’s more shelf-stable. In health, Michael Greger, M.D.

    Wednesday 8 June 2016

    Make Pimple Scar Disappear With These Home Remedies

     One day, you stand before the mirror and a red, hot and swollen pimples on your face appears which eventually spoils your time and mood.

    What do you do then? You can either bear with it and leave it on its own or try to take some easy and homemade treatments to remove pimples at the earliest.

    Though when they popped up, pimples tend to disappear after 3-5 days, it can make one appear less attractive. When it dries out, they will leave a scar that will stay on.

    Luckily, there are many ways to treat pimple scars as early as possible.

    Ways to Remove Your Pimple Scars:

    Apple Cider Vinegar: It is a good toner that helps to clear up scars and acne marks. Vinegar is a powerful astringent that also stimulates blood flow to areas, which speeds healing and regeneration of cells.

    Egg Whites: Egg whites are easier to obtain and are effective in treating acne scarring. Apply egg whites on the scars using a cotton ball and leave it on overnight to get the best effect. Eggs contain a huge amount of protein and by applying that directly to your skin, you can speed the healing process. Proteins are the building blocks of cellular tissue, and muscle, so directly applying and leaving it on your face can boost the speed of your acne scar recovery by quite a bit.Tomato Slices: Rubbing tomato slices on scars is also found to be effective in reducing the appearance of the marks or scars. This is partially due to the vitamin A and carotenes in tomatoes, which not only provide the red color, but are also antioxidant compounds that can heal damaged tissues and promote the healthy regrowth of cells.

    Cucumber Juice: Cucumber juice is an ideal skin toner, which improves the texture of the skin. Cucumbers reduce inflammation, soothe the skin and heal the scars caused by acne.

    Ice: Applying ice to the face helps to tighten pores and reduce secretions of acne causing sebum. Ice also works as a natural astringent to tighten up the pores around marks and scars, making scarring, less obviously, by decreasing the size of the pores that were affected by the acne in the first place.

    Watch Video :

    BI answers: W

    Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and can't move — here's why

    BI answers: What is sleep paralysis?

    Every few months I have a terrifying experience in the middle of the night.
    I wake up but can't move, except for my eyes, which dart frantically underneath fluttering, heavy lids. I feel a heavy presence on top of my chest, squeezing the air from my lungs and throat. Then a shadowy, cloaked figure starts looming just within the corners of vision.
    I'm not dreaming. And no matter how many times it happens, the panic sets in. As a kid, I thought the devil had paid a visit to my bedroom.
    Now I know these symptom stem from a strange sleep phenomenon called sleep paralysis. While various social and psychological factors can influence the prevalence of sleep paralysis, a 2011 paper combined 35 studies with more than 36,000 participants total. The authors found that 7.6% of the general population experiences sleep paralysis, rising to 28.3% in high-risk groups, like students who have a disrupted sleep pattern. And in people with mental disorders, like anxiety and depression, 31.9% experienced episodes.
    "When you're experiencing sleep paralysis, you become conscious," Daniel Denis, a PhD candidate in cognitive neuroscience and researcher at the Sleep Paralysis Project, tells Business Insider. "The idea is that your mind wakes up but your body doesn't."

    Why you can't move

    Sleep has three or four stages of non-REM (rapid eye movement) sleep and one REM state. While people can dream in any stage, REM is the most closely associated with vivid dreams, the type that seem real.
    The brain also stays active during REM — "almost comparable to during the day," Denis explains. People naturally become paralyzed during REM, probably to prevent themselves from acting out their dreams, a process known as REM atonia.
    Many who wake up during this state simply open their eyes and quickly begin to move around. But those suffering from sleep paralysis experience "a sort of failure of the molecular clock," as Denis puts it. For whatever reason, REM atonia continues after you've waken up. Most episodes last a few seconds to a minute, but in much rarer cases, people can require 10 to 15 minutes before they fully regain motion.
    About that shadowy friend of mine — researchers don't have the best explanations for he/she/it. To start, I could be experiencing my brain's interpretation of myself. The parietal lobes may be monitoring the neurons in my brain telling my limbs to move, according to a study from UC San Diego, published in the journal Medical Hypotheses. Since they can't, the brain hallucinates the intended movement.
    Denis explains that the "intruder" might also be due to an over-active amygdala, a part of the brain responsible for fear (among other things). "You wake up with your amygdala screaming, 'There's a threat!'" he explains. "So your brain has to invent something to fix the paradox of the amygdala being active for no reason." While the amygdala remains active during REM sleep, total paralysis right after awakening can send it into overdrive.
    sleep paralysisThe Devil in the Room

    The experiences

    One of the first in-depth studies on sleep paralysis in 1999 defines the three main categories of sleep paralysis hallucinations as the "incubus," the "intruder" and "unusual bodily experiences."
    In the first case, people feel an intense pressure on their chests, inducing the feeling that they can't breathe.
    As the authors note, sleep paralysis affects only the "perception of respiration." Breathing is reflex-based, so nothing truly separates these poor few from the oxygen they desperately need. It just feels that way because they're afraid.
    “When you’re in REM, your breathing is very shallow and your airways become quite constricted, so it would be difficult to breath anyway," Denis explains. "But when you become conscious of that, it can be terrifying."

    People experiencing the second category, the "intruder," can feel a "sensed presence, fear, and auditory and visual hallucinations," the researchers note. Essentially, your mind invents a vision to solve some sort of paradox in the brain that occurs during sleep paralysis. The authors describe it as a "hypervigilant state of the midbrain," which can make people highly aware of even the smallest stimuli and "biased toward cues for threat or danger." That's why a small sound can seem horrifying to someone experiencing sleep paralysis.
    The intruder and the incubus go hand-in-hand. Both symptoms typically involve the threat-activated systems in the amygdala, as mentioned earlier. Some people even relate the "intruder" and the incubus, reporting that they feel someone strangling or suffocating them, Denis says. But the third type of sleep paralysis hallucination, the "unusual bodily experiences" are the least common.
    When people experience "unusual bodily experiences," they often feel like they're having an out-of-body experience, levitating or flying around the room, as the 1999 study explains. This third type appears to be associated with REM stages where the brainstem, cerebellar, and cortical vestibular centers are activated, according to a 2013 study of 133 patients with panic disorder.
    The pons, which inhibits movement during sleep, falls into that area, Denis notes. "You feel like you're moving when you're not because the area of the brain that coordinates that is overactive," he says.

    Myths and folklore

    Cultural beliefs also strongly influence these hallucinations and experiences, leading to the creation of folklore and myth, which can blur fact with fiction. The "Old Hag," for example, is the primary interpretation of sleep paralysis in Newfoundland. And similar fantastical stories exist about the Boto, a pink river dolphin in the Amazon Basin that transforms at night into a lustful prowler, explains "The Devil in the Room," a documentary that explores the paranormal and mythical aspects of sleep paralysis.
    Take a look at Henry Fuseli's 1781 oil painting, "The Nightmare," shown below, thought to be one of the clearest artistic interpretations of sleep paralysis.
    John_Henry_Fuseli_ _The_Nightmare.JPGWikimedia CommonsHenry Fuseli's "The Nightmare," 1781.
    Personally, my over-active amygdala conjures images of the devil — unsurprising considering I live in a majorly Christian nation and grew up mildly Catholic. From his research, Denis says that "modern Western culture" tends to see burglars, rapists, and aliens.


    While sleep paralysis can be hereditary, it can happen to anyone. Factors like lack of sleep, sleep disturbances, jet lag, and shift work can increase someone's likelihood of experiencing it, and certain groups, like African-Americans, can also experience it more commonly. Sleep-paralysis episodes have been linked to hypertension, seizures, and narcolepsy, a sleep disorder where people lose their ability to regulate sleep cycles and can fall asleep at random and unexpected moments.
    While stress, anxiety, and depression often trigger the episodes, we can't exactly control these factors. So beyond trying to reduce stress and getting plenty of sleep, how can you prevent the terrifying onset of sleep paralysis?
    Avoiding sleeping on your back could help. Research has shown that people that experience sleep-paralysis episodes are three to four times more likely to occur in people who sleep in the supine position. Some people even use nightwear that makes lying on their back uncomfortable, according to Denis.
    But if you do wake and find yourself unable to move, focus all your energy on wiggling a toe or finger. "So long as you can move one muscle, that breaks the paralysis," Denis advises.

    Tuesday 7 June 2016

    Silent Signs Your Body Might Be in Big Trouble

    Subtle clues—from handwriting to snoring—can reveal the earliest warnings of illness. Here's how to read your own distress signals. Unintentional weight loss Unintentional weight lossGabrielle Revere for Reader's Digest If you've lost more than ten pounds with no diet or exercise changes, get it checked out, says Richard Wender, MD, chief cancer control officer at the American Cancer Society. This happens most often with pancreatic, stomach, esophageal, or lung cancer. These are other cancer symptoms people easily ignore. Damage to your teeth Damage to your teethiStock/PonyWang “I often get referrals from dentists with patients who don’t feel heartburn or other reflux symptoms, but their teeth enamel is completely worn down,” says Evan Dellon, MD, a gastrointestinal (GI) specialist at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine. Many are shocked to learn they have acid reflux. While sugary drinks wear down teeth at the front of your mouth, acid from your esophagus tends to dissolve enamel of the teeth at the back. Other subtle but suspicious symptoms of reflux include a persistent sore throat, coughing, unexplained wheezing, or a frequent foul taste in your mouth. If you or your dentist notices any of these warning signs, see a GI specialist promptly. Untreated reflux not only leads to tooth decay but can also increase your risk for esophageal cancer. Itchy, blistery skin rash Itchy, blistery skin rashGabrielle Revere for Reader's Digest This reaction, which breaks out on the elbows, knees, butt, back, or scalp, may look suspiciously like eczema, but it could be a more serious issue: celiac disease, an autoimmune condition in which ingesting even the tiniest amount of gluten causes your body to attack its own intestines. Up to 25 percent of people with celiac have this rash, known as dermatitis herpetiformis. Many patients have no digestive symptoms. When someone with celiac consumes gluten, the body releases an antibody known as IgA, which attacks the intestines; sometimes IgA also collects in small blood vessels underneath the skin, triggering the telltale rash. Unlike people with other forms of celiac, patients with dermatitis herpetiformis don’t have to undergo an endoscopic biopsy for a definitive diagnosis. A doctor can biopsy the rash and look for antibodies that indicate celiac. Once you start a gluten-free diet, the rash should disappear, and you’ll protect your body from other long-term, serious damage of celiac disease, such as osteoporosis or small intestine cancer. Bowel or bladder changes Bowel or bladder changes iStock/Staras Peeing more or less than usual could indicate bladder or prostate cancer. Constipation or diarrhea may signal colon or ovarian cancer. These are other sneaky colon cancer symptoms. You may attribute gassiness or bloating to your diet, but talk to your doctor if it lasts more than a week. Hemorrhoids HemorrhoidsiStock/GeorgeRudy About one third of patients with Crohn’s disease—an inflammatory disorder of the GI tract—have a form that affects just the anal region. It manifests as sores, ulcerations, or fleshy growths outside the area, which can be mistaken for hemorrhoids. “Patients will say sitting is so unpleasant, it’s like they’re perched on top of a marble,” says David Rubin, MD, chief of gastroenterology at the University of Chicago Medical Center. This type of Crohn’s disease is often the most painful and has the worst prognosis, says Dr. Rubin. (If left untreated, Crohn’s can lead to bowel obstruction, painful fissures, and even colon cancer.) If you have what appear to be hemorrhoids that don’t respond to treatment, Dr. Rubin recommends seeing a GI specialist for a second opinion as soon as possible. He or she can run blood tests to check for white blood cell count, C-reactive protein, and other markers that can indicate undiagnosed disease.
    Changes in handwriting Changes in handwritingiStock/Szepy When you think of Parkinson’s, you probably think of tremors, but a more telling early Parkinson's warning sign is handwriting that gets much smaller. Handwriting analysis identified patients in early stages more than 97 percent of the time, a 2013 Israeli study found. "I have patients write a sentence such as 'Today is a nice day ten times,'" says Michael S. Okun, MD, national medical director for the National Parkinson Foundation. “As they write, each sentence gets smaller and smaller, and the words become more crowded together.” Parkinson’s disease occurs when nerve cells in the brain become damaged or die off. They stop producing as much dopamine, a chemical that sends signals to produce movement; this causes muscle stiffness in hands and fingers, which affects handwriting. Two other early red flags of Parkinson’s: loss of smell—so you don’t notice mouthwatering odors—and really intense dreams in which you thrash, kick, and punch during sleep. If you notice any of these symptoms—and they last more than a couple of weeks—see a neurologist. The earlier Parkinson’s is diagnosed, and the sooner you get control of symptoms, the better your quality of life will be. Random bursts of anger Random bursts of angeriStock/mihailomilovanovic For many people, depression doesn’t translate to weeping or lying listlessly on the couch. More than half of patients with depression have irritability and anger; in fact, those depression symptoms are associated with a more severe, longer-lasting form, according to a 2013 University of California, San Diego, study. “A classic case: Someone never suffered from road rage before, but now if they get cut off, they get so furious, they go crazy blaring their horn,” says Philip Muskin, MD, a professor of psychiatry at Columbia University Medical Center. Women are found to have depression more often than men, but men are more likely to experience the disease through irritability and anger, according to a 2013 University of Michigan study. If you’re constantly snapping at your spouse or the slightest annoyance gets your heart racing—and these reactions have lasted for more than two weeks—there’s a real chance that depression is the culprit. Many cases of major depression respond well to a combination of antidepressants and cognitive behavior therapy, a short-term therapy that teaches skills to avoid damaging thoughts or actions. A British study published this past April found that mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, which helps increase awareness of negative spirals, was as effective as meds in preventing a recurrence of depression over a two-year period. Nagging cough Nagging coughiStock/Michelle Gibson Coughs don't usually mean cancer, but if you develop a cough that won't disappear, even though you've never had allergies, asthma, or sinus problems, take note. It could be lung cancer, or, if accompanied by hoarseness, cancer of the larynx or throat. Are you eating these 30 proven cancer-fighting foods? Difficulty managing finances Difficulty managing financesiStock/Catherine Lane When University of Alabama researchers followed 87 seniors with mild memory problems, the 25 who went on to develop Alzheimer’s showed declines over a yearlong period in skills like managing bank statements and paying bills. “One question we often ask: ‘You’re out to lunch, and the bill is $60. What’s a 15 percent tip?'” says Daniel Marson, PhD, director of the Alzheimer’s Disease Center at the University of Alabama in Birmingham. “People in the early stages of Alzheimer’s might struggle for a minute or two and then say, ‘It’s $7.’ ” (The answer is $9.) While everyone has an occasional senior moment, “it’s a red flag if these issues persist on a regular basis,” says Marson. As Alzheimer’s develops, the brain’s cortex, which includes areas involved in thinking, planning, and remembering, shrivels up. This makes managing day-to-day finances increasingly difficult. Trouble completing other daily tasks, like following a favorite recipe or driving to a familiar location, is another early Alzheimer's warning sign. Snoring SnoringGabrielle Revere for Reader's Digest It’s a commonly known symptom of sleep apnea, which is associated with increased heart disease risk. But snoring may play a bigger role in cardiovascular disease than experts thought. A 2013 study found that even among patients without sleep apnea, snoring was linked with thickening of carotid arteries in the neck; such damage is a precursor to stroke and heart attack. Snoring was more strongly associated with this wall damage than were smoking, high cholesterol, or being overweight. Why? Snoring may damage the carotid arteries, which supply blood to the brain. “We think the arteries are reacting to the vibration of the snoring, since they’re very close to the throat,” says study author Kathleen Yaremchuk, MD, chair of the Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit. These are other surprising symptoms of sleep apnea. Unexplained bleeding Unexplained bleedingiStock/Marcela Barsse Anytime strange—coughing up blood (lung cancer), unusual vaginal bleeding (cervical or endometrial cancer), blood in stool (colon or rectal cancer), blood in urine (bladder or kidney cancer), or bloody nipple discharge (breast cancer)—should be brought to your doc's attention. These 30 healthy habits are powerful ways to prevent cancer.
    Impotence ImpotenceiStock/OJO_Images Men over age 45 who weren’t found to have heart disease but who had moderate to severe erectile dysfunction were up to 60 percent more likely to be hospitalized for heart problems over a four-year period, according to a 2013 Australian study. Arteries to the penis are smaller than elsewhere in the body, so they may become blocked even before a man has any other heart disease signs. “It’s embarrassing. Many men just want to get a prescription and avoid discussing the problem with their doctor,” says New York–based cardiologist Nieca Goldberg, MD. “But it’s really important that they not dismiss it and get evaluated for heart disease.” If men have other risk factors, such as a family history of heart disease, the doctor may recommend advanced screening tests such as a coronary calcium scan. Inflamed gums Inflamed gumsiStock/poco_bw A preliminary University of Florida study found that the same bacteria that cause gum disease also promote heart disease. Other research shows that older adults with high levels of certain bacteria in their mouths have thicker carotid arteries, a predictor of stroke and heart attack. “The link has to do with the body’s response to inflammation,” says Stuart Froum, DDS, director of clinical research at NYU College of Dentistry. Frequent cleanings (every three to six months) by a dentist can usually control early-stage gum disease. Treating gum disease was associated with fewer hospitalizations among people with heart disease or type 2 diabetes, according to a 2014 American Journal of Preventive Medicine study. Frequent bathroom trips Frequent bathroom tripsiStock/mauro grigollo When you start developing type 2 diabetes, your body becomes less efficient at breaking down food into sugar to use as fuel for energy. As a result, sugar builds up in the bloodstream, where it does silent but significant damage to blood vessels and nerves, says Ashita Gupta, MD, an endocrinologist at Mount Sinai Roosevelt Hospital in New York City. Your body frantically tries to dump the glucose buildup by flushing it out in your urine. Translation: “You’re going to the bathroom more frequently—and producing much more when you go,” says Dr. Gupta. You may find yourself getting up a few times during the middle of the night to pee. Since you’re urinating so much, you may be thirstier. Ask your doctor about getting an A1c test, a blood test that measures your average blood glucose over the course of three months (other tests, such as the fasting blood glucose test, measure blood glucose levels only on the day of the test). “The sooner type 2 diabetes is diagnosed, the more likely you can reverse it with lifestyle changes such as weight loss and exercise,” explains Dr. Gupta. These are other sneaky diabetes symptoms. Forgetting people’s names Forgetting people’s namesGabrielle Revere for Reader's Digest Spaced out on your neighbor’s name at a barbecue? It may be owing to stress or fatigue, but forgetfulness about little things such as names or grocery lists could indicate hypothyroidism, or low levels of thyroid hormone. “Patients complain that their brain just feels ‘fuzzier.’ Without thyroid hormone, everything just slows down,” says Dr. Gupta. “I ask whether they still feel tired after a full night’s sleep. If they still feel foggy, it may signal that something hormonal—like an underactive thyroid—is the culprit.” Other low thyroid signs include always feeling cold, low libido, and food not tasting as good as it used to. Because these symptoms are often vague and seemingly unrelated, it’s easy to blow them off. About half of the 30 million Americans who suffer from a thyroid disorder are unaware of it, according to the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists. But if you have any of the symptoms, it’s worth getting tested. “When patients are treated with thyroid medication, they’re always amazed at how much sharper they feel—that their memory lapses and difficulty concentrating weren’t due to just menopause or aging,” adds Dr. Gupta.

    13 Signs That Your Body Is High Of Sugar

    Diabetes is often called the silent killer because of its easy-to-miss symptoms. It initially presents with few symptoms, which can be easily overlooked. Research says that one out of three people who have it don’t even know about it. While others are unaware that they have diabetes in its early or even middle phases. If you've been feeling off, talk to your doctor about getting a simple blood test that can diagnose the disease. And pay attention to these subtle diabetes signs and symptoms.
    1. Frequent urination (polyuria): The kidneys start working harder to get rid of the excess glucose from the blood. So if you notice that you have to urinate more often, this could be a warning sign. 2. Excessive thirst (polydipsia): This symptom links with the previous one. As you lose more fluids, the body will try to replenish them, hence the constant need to drink. 3. Increased hunger (polyphagia): Due to extreme highs and lows in blood sugar levels, the body develops a sudden urge to eat. The cells don’t get enough glucose, so you crave it. 4. Dry mouth: You experience a lack of moisture in the mouth, which can be both unpleasant and dangerous. Gum diseases are a known complication of diabetes. 5. Unexplained weight loss or weight gain: As insulin can’t get glucose into the cells, the body reacts as if it would be starving and starts using proteins from the muscles. On the other hand, increased consumption of sugary foods can lead to weight gain. 6. Fatigue: Excessive tiredness can develop when body constantly compensates for the lack of glucose in the cells. It is not uncommon to also feel irritable and in a bad mood. 7. Vision problems: High blood sugar also affects the eyes. It changes the shape of the lens and eyes. As a result, your vision becomes blurry. If sugar levels stay high for a long period of time, this can cause permanent damage and can even lead to eyesight loss. 8. Headaches – A headache can develop due to elevated blood sugar levels and is considered an early sign of hyperglycemia (high blood glucose).
    9. Skin changes: Velvety dark skin, known as achantosis nigricans, can appear on the neck, groin and armpit. You can also observe other unusual skin changes and itchiness, especially around the vaginal or groin area. 10. Infections, cuts and bruises that do not heal:This classic sign of diabetes is a consequence of blood vessel damage. Excessive amounts of sugar harm the veins and arteries, so they become less able to transport blood to where it is needed to repair and heal the damage. 11. Yeast infections: Since bacteria and fungi thrive in a sugary environment, infections can become more common. 12. Numbness and tingling in hands and feet: This symptom is a result of nerve damage – neuropathy – that is connected with diabetes. Tingling and numbness can be accompanied by burning pain and swelling. 13. Sexual dysfunction: Diabetes also damages blood vessels and nerves in the sex organs, which can lead to different sexual problems. With the right diet, exercise regimen and, if necessary, medications, diabetes can be kept under control, and the person can continue to live a fulfilling life.

    WARNING: If You Don't Stop Using This Powder, You'll Eventually Get Ovarian Cancer

    Its been a routine for women to dust their private parts, underwear and sanitary napkins with talcum powder. It is a practice associated with cleanliness and freshness. Some people may sprinkle on powder after showering and never think much of it. But recent court cases have shined a spotlight on the possible link between women's regular use of talcum powder on their genitals and an increased risk of developing ovarian cancer. What is talcum powder? Talcum powder is made from talc, a mineral made up mainly of the elements magnesium, silicon, and oxygen. As a powder, it absorbs moisture well and helps cut down on friction, making it useful for keeping skin dry and helping to prevent rashes.
    uggested that talcum powder might cause cancer in the ovaries if the powder particles (applied to the genital area or on sanitary napkins, diaphragms, or condoms) were to travel through the vagina, uterus, and fallopian tubes to the ovary. For any individual woman, if there is an increased risk, the overall increase is likely to very be small. Still, talc is widely used in many products, so it is important to determine if the increased risk is real. Research in this area continues. Others Cancers Talc use has not been strongly linked to other cancers, although not all possible links with other cancers have been studied extensively. * Lung cancer Some studies of talc miners and millers have suggested an increased risk of lung cancer and other respiratory diseases. When working underground, miners can also be exposed to other substances that might affect lung cancer risk, such as radon. * Uterine Cancer One study suggested genital talcum powder use may slightly increase the risk of endometrial (uterine) cancer in women who are past menopause. Further studies are needed to explore this topic. * Stomach Cancer Some limited research has also looked at a possible link between inhaled talc exposure at work and other cancers, such as stomach cancer. Watch Video :

    Monday 6 June 2016

    What You Need To Do To Help Your Girlfriend or Wife During Her Monthly Period

    Every month, a woman bleeds. This is the time of the month that they suffer physically and emotionally. Though it only lasts for a week, it’s not quite that simple. 
    Women have very minimal control over what they’re feeling when they’re on their period.
    It’s a biological process that affects the way she acts. 
    Sometimes men have a hard time understanding what a woman goes through during her this time, and therefore do not know what to do to help her.
    Even though you’ll never have to go through menstruation, it pays to know what actually goes on down there. If you want to give a woman or girl in your life some extra support whilst she is suffering a bad or heavy period, these steps will guide you.
    1. Try to understand what a woman feels during the month.
    Typically, monthly period is accompanied by abdominal pain, which in itself is not very nice. The intensity can vary from a few annoying aching to virtually paralyzing penetrating pain. It is also a characteristic feature of mood swings are also women may experience headaches, anxiety, change in appetite, pain in the genital area, as well as feeling very tired or sleepy.
    2. Remind the woman about her merits

    Compliment. Say what you will allow her to feel beautiful and intelligent. In addition, it will allow her to feel confident and slightly smooth out mood swings.
    3. Help her in the house.
    If the accumulated daily work or the need to perform any assignment, take and take. Spare a woman from unnecessary stress, just after washing the dishes or wash clothes. Because of this, you lighten the load of everyday worries and give her time to rest.
    4. Reassure her.
    Make a woman a massage or just warm hug. Often enough to take the hand of a woman to feel better.
    5. Make her feel loved and desired.
    Let a woman know you are glad that it is in your life. Tell them what it is a good friend, girlfriend or wife. If she is at work or away from you,then call her cell phone, work phone, or just send an email to tell you how beautiful she is, charming and beautiful in every way.
    6. In no case, do not show disgust.
    If she wants to talk about it, do not make awkward faces. If you do, it only shows that you do not care about it. It is also important to carry out all her requests. So do not hesitate to go to the store for “female” means (tampons, etc.) and do not forget on the way to buy chocolates or her favorite magazine.
    7. Cook a nice meal.

    It’s extremely difficult for women to cope up the blood lose during periods. So, cooking for her is really helpful during period.
    Instead of being the guy who panics or bolts when his girl’s on her period, use these tips to be the guy who pampers her until she feels a lot better.

    Simple Exercises That Will Tighten Up Loose Skin And Get Rid Of Double Chin

    Eliminating of sagging skin on the neck area as well as the pesky double chin is never an easy job.

    Sagging skin under the chin can occur as we age and our skin loses elasticity. In most cased, it is caused by being overweight.  For a few, it can be genetic.

    While there are surgical procedures that can eliminate a double chin, they can be expensive. So, here we present you a few simple home treatment options to get rid of a double chin that are pocket-friendly and painless.

    1. Chew Gum

    Chewing gum gives your jaw and facial muscles a workout. Exercising your jaw and facial muscles helps burn away the body fat that causes your double chin. It also keeps your facial skin firm.

    2. Honey Melon Toner

    Honey melon can improve skin tone and make it firmer. Peel and grind a melon to make its juice. Apply it on face and neck using a cotton ball.Massage gently and leave it for 20 minutes. And apple juice can also be added. Besides, eating a melon also gives effective results.3. Egg Whites

    Egg whites not only reduce double chin but tighten the skin as well. Make a homemade face pack of egg white, epsom salt and vinegar. Apply this paste using a cotton pad on your chin to see some amazing results.

    4. Glycerin

    Combine one tbsp of glycerin, few drops of peppermint oil and half tbsp of epsom salt. Apply the pack on your chin and neck area to get rid of a twin chin. After a couple of minutes, rinse your face with cool water. Do this 4-5 times a week.

    5. Perform Double Chin Exercises

    Watch the video below for easy exercises which you can wrap in a few minutes daily that'll help you get rid of that double chin soon.

    Beyond these few tips, there’s not much more you can do. Just remember: To some degree, lean body is equals to lean face, and the leaner your body, the leaner your face.

    If you really want to rid yourself of your chin fat then you have to find a happy medium and keep health in mind above all else.

    Watch Video ;

    Samsung to Supreme Court: Apple got too much money for its design patents

    In its opening brief to the highest court in the land, Samsung says damages should be calculated only on the parts of a phone that infringe Apple's patents, not the profits for the entire device.
    Design patents are given too much value when it comes to legal damages, Samsung has argued to the US Supreme Court in its patent dispute with Apple.
    In an opening brief filed Wednesday with the nation's highest court, Samsung presented its arguments for why an earlier ruling in Apple's favor should be thrown out. It said in the filing that "at a minimum, a new trial is necessary."
    Samsung contends that Apple should only get profits from the parts of a smartphone that infringe Apple's patents -- the front face and a grid of icons on a user interface -- not the profits from the entire phone. It said that "grossly overrewarding design patents" will hurt competition and innovation and will lead to "absurd" results in other lawsuits.
    "If the current ruling is left to stand, it would value a single design patent over the hundreds of thousands of groundbreaking technology patents, leading to vastly overvalued design patents," Samsung said in a statement.Apple didn't immediately respond to a request for comment.
    The Supreme Court in March agreed to review the long-running dispute between Apple and Samsung, the first time it has looked at a design patent case since the 1800s. A decision by the court could have a ripple effect across the technology industry and ultimately impact the gadgets you buy because it might finally define the value of design work.
    Samsung wants the Supreme Court to give guidance on what is covered by design patents, which protect the way an item is used and how it works, and also on what damages can be collected. Currently, companies can collect damages for the entire value of the device, not just the infringing design aspects. In Apple v. Samsung, that led to an initial damages award totaling more than $1 billion.
    The original Apple v. Samsung trial in 2012 captivated Silicon Valley and the tech industry because it exposed the inner workings of two notoriously secretive companies. It was just one of many trials around the world as the rivals sparred both in the marketplace and in the courtroom. At issue were design patents for a black, rectangular, round-cornered front face; a similar rectangular round-cornered front face plus the surrounding rim, known as the bezel; and a colorful grid of 16 icons.
    Apple and Samsung last year agreed to bury the hatchet in their overseas cases, but their US court confrontations have continued. In December, Samsung said it would pay Apple the $548 million ordered by court.

    How Mark Zuckerberg could lose control of Facebook

    Unthinkable? Actually, Facebook's board has given the idea some serious thought.
    Think Facebook, think Mark Zuckerberg. The two are inseparable.
    Or are they?
    Ever since his days as a precocious Harvard-student-turned-entrepreneur, Zuckerberg has been synonymous with Facebook in the minds of the social network's users, rivals and investors.
    But what if the unthinkable should happen: What if Zuckerberg should leave the company? It's hard to imagine what a post-Zuckerberg Facebook would look like, but it's the job of the company's board members to plan for such major disruptions -- and planning for it they are.
    The multibillionaire and company founder has shown no signs that he has any plans to drop the reins of his Internet empire -- in fact, he recently strengthened his control. That, however, hasn't stopped Facebook's board members from concocting a contingency plan. They have proposed wresting majority voting control of the company from Zuckerberg should he duck out of Facebook's management, according to a proxy filing to the US Securities and Exchange Commission on Thursday.
    It might appear harsh, but this is no coup. Facebook's board members are caretakers of the company and need to plan for how they would handle any events that might throw the company off course. Part of that means ensuring any future CEO of Facebook wouldn't have limited management powers if an absent Zuckerberg were to keep a controlling stake in the business.
    The proposed plan, if Zuckerberg leaves the company, is to convert his Class B shares, which in the case of Facebook have more voting power, into Class A shares, which have less voting power. That is, he would keep his 14.8 percent economic stake in the company, while seeing his 53.8 percent voting power reduced.
    "These new terms thus ensure that we will not remain a founder-controlled company after we cease to be a founder-led company," said the board in the filing. It is set to vote on whether to reclassify Zuckerberg's stock at the next shareholder meeting on June 20.
    In spite of all that, Zuckerberg's future at the company looks as strong as ever. The special committee appointed by Facebook's board to put together the proposal made it clear in the filing that keeping the founder on board for as long as possible is a priority when they were assembling the proposal.
    "The Special Committee and our board of directors believe the reclassification is an appropriate way to make it more likely that Mr. Zuckerberg will remain in a leadership role, and thus in a position to influence our direction for many years, and we believe that this influence has been and will be beneficial to our growth, strategy, and stability," they said.

    Computex 2016 verdict: Behold the new brains of the computer

    Intel fades from the spotlight at this year's massive tech trade show, to be replaced by Nvidia and AMD as the drivers of the coming VR and AI future.

    The CPU is dead. Long live the GPU.
    When we were planning our approach this year to covering Computex, the largest IT trade show in Asia, there was some confusion about where exactly Intel had gone. No show-floor booth, only one keynote presentation.
    At that point there was a sense that maybe this year would be a little flat. The Taipei show has always been a big song and dance around the latest CPUs (central processing units) from Intel and the changes they'll bring to computing in the years ahead.
    As it turned out, Computex was fascinating. On day zero, Nvidia and Asus put on a great show that quickly reminded us that the future is moving beyond the CPU, the chip that traditionally has been the brains of the computer. That doesn't mean we're moving beyond the computer itself. The real power driving the coming decade's two big features, virtual reality and artificial intelligence, is more commonly just a GPU-upgrade away. GPUs, or graphics processing units, are particularly adept at manipulating computer graphics and images.
    AMD's Raja Koduri announces that the company's newest Radeon RX 480 graphics cards will be available for as little as $199.
    AMD's Raja Koduri announces that the company's newest Radeon RX 480 graphics cards will be available for as little as $199. Seamus Byrne/CNET
    Asus showed off a sleek new range of notebooks, powered by the next generation of Intel processors, coming later this year. But the real showstopper from Asus was Zenbo, the family assistant robot. It aims to use machine-learning technologies to be a true family aide and to get smarter over time. The project is ambitious, maybe too ambitious, but it points to a brand of useful technology that goes beyond running apps while sitting at a desk.
    "The GPU is the brains of the computer today," Jen-Hsun Huang, co-founder of Nvidia, said at a media breakfast Monday, the day before the Computex kick-off. "If you look at most of the advances in virtual reality or the advances in artificial intelligence, there is something that is common in both, and that is the GPU."
    Everybody has something to sell here, and Huang is selling GPUs. But his sales pitch rings true.
    "The last 10 years was the era of mobile cloud," Huang ventures. "This is now the era of AI."
    Nvidia has a clarity to its pitch, focusing on what its GPUs are doing that nothing else can right now. The chips have become much more than pure graphics processors, and they can be put to the task of massively multithreaded computation to solve all kinds of problems. Graphics are becoming much more complex as virtual reality demands that highly responsive 360-degree environments be rendered in real time. And computers that feature machine learning and artificial intelligence are largely running based on GPU technologies in large-scale server environments.
    Just when we thought Nvidia was stealing the limelight and Asus was stealing the show, AMD revealed that its newest Radeon RX 480 graphics cards would be available for as little as $199. With enough power to deliver "premium VR," the cards should make it affordable for more people to start using the likes of the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive headsets at home. Any PC purchased in the past few years could become VR-ready with the purchase of a $199 GPU from AMD.

    At confab, VR is a VIP

    The show floors of Computex were filled with the buzz of VR. We saw PC demonstrations with clever backpack PCs that help reduce the tethered feeling of room-scale VR. And there were arcade-style experiences that we'll never own in our homes but people will likely pay money for -- wouldn't you want to spend 10 minutes flying like a bird or do the safest parachuting jump around?
    The real showstopper was Asus' Zenbo family assistant.
    The real showstopper was Asus' Zenbo family assistant. Asus
    PC vendors see VR as the next big driver of PC upgrades. People love VR when they can access it; they just struggle to justify the price this year. As Oculus Rift inventor Palmer Luckey said in late 2015, "VR will become something everyone wants before it becomes something everyone can afford." The prices will come down, but the most critical factor to "Can I use it?" will be the capabilities of the GPU. And as GPUs get better in coming years, so too will the quality of the VR experiences we can enjoy.
    Microsoft made some quality announcements with the opening up of its holographic platform to partners. The move is likely to speed up the industry, and it creates another opportunity in the virtual reality versus augmented reality versus "mixed reality" realms. But everything still comes back to the ability of graphics performance to deliver the visual experience we're all hoping for.

    When Intel's Navin Shenoy, general manager of the company's Client Computing Group, took to the stage to talk about notebooks and desktops, there was nothing exciting to announce. For those looking for the absolute maximum performance, there were the new 10-core Extreme Edition chips, but when we watched Intel's VR demonstrations on stage, the key component was the GPU.
    Intel sees the most critical parts of its future in 5G networks, data centres and the Internet of Things. That's all very important, but it's more a part of the backbone of the future, and with plenty of competition from Qualcomm and ARM.
    Nvidia's Huang claims his company can deliver advanced technologies for VR, AI and driverless cars that no one else can deliver. That feels like a pitch for areas in the coming decade that will be far more cutting-edge and futuristic.
    We started with a feeling that this year's show might be a little stale. In fact, the confab felt fresher than it had in a long time. The "throwing spaghetti at the wall" approach that I mentioned in my preshow forecast felt more targeted this year.
    Before the show, I also wondered whether a shift in dominance from CPU to GPU was signaled by Nvidia's claiming of a ballroom that previously had been used by Intel. After a week in Taipei, I'd venture the answer is a resounding yes.
    Check out all the coverage from Computex 2016 in our roundup page from the show.