Wednesday 20 April 2016

8 Common Contact Lens Mistakes You Should Avoid

The majority of contact lens users don’t use proper hygiene and that puts them at risk of eye infections. Sleeping with contact lens on, not washing your hands before touching your lenses and more bad habits can lead to serious eye problems. Below are 8 common contact lens mistakes you should avoid.

1. Wearing Contact Lenses All Day

Wearing contact lenses all day can damage your eyesight. The cornea (the transparent layer forming the front of the eye) gets its oxygen supply directly from the air rather than from the blood. But a contact lens acts as a barrier to that oxygen supply, so wearing them too long can potentially starve the cornea of oxygen. It is recommended to avoid wearing contacts for more than eight hours a day.

2. Sleeping with your contact lenses on

The most common infection related to contact lens use is microbial keratitis, an infection of the cornea. Research shows that sleeping in contact lenses overnight increases the risk of infection by about four times, irrespective of lens type.

3. Not Wearing Sunglasses

When you are out wearing lenses, even the tiniest dust particle is enough to irritate your eyes big time. These dust particles can result into itching and redness in the eyes. So, make sure to wear sunglasses when you step out.

4. Washing Your Face While Wearing Contact Lenses

Washing your face while wearing contact lenses can subject you to several risk factors if your lenses come into contact with tap water. An amoeba called acanthamoeba is found in tap water which can contaminate your contact lens and cause a serious cornea infection called Acanthamoeba Keratitis. Always take them out first to prevent infections.

5. Using water to clean your lenses

Avoid using tap water to rinse or store your soft contact lenses. Water can cause your contact lenses to change shape, swell and stick to your eyes when you apply them, often causing significant discomfort and blurred vision. Always use solution that is meant to clean and store reusable soft contact lenses.

6. Not washing your hands before touching your lenses

If you touch your contacts without washing your hands, you transfer bacteria to the lens. Always wash your hands with soap and water and dry them well with a clean towel—every single time—before you touch your contact lenses.
Before applying, always check to see if lens is inside out. Place the lens on the tip of your finger and view its shape from the side, as shown below. If the lens is the correct shape then the edges of the lens will appear to be curved like the edge of a bowl. If the lens is inside out then the edges will flare out like the edge of a plate.
contact lens mistake

7. Wearing your lenses way past their expiration date

Lenses get worn out and have to be changed before their shelf life expires. The solution containing the lenses can also go bad over time, it can become more acidic or more alkaline (basic). With an unstable pH (acidity), the lens, when the solution expires, can cause infection and become very uncomfortable.

8. Not cleaning out your lens case after each use

Every single time you use your contact lens case, you need to rinse it out with fresh solution and let it dry. otherwise, a little layer will build up on bottom called biofilm, this could put your eyes at risk for infection. You should also not use a contact lens case for longer than three months. Every three months, the case should be changed with a new one.

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